confed ships help !!!

I've done the confed alien mission but where are the ships looked at some planets
and there's no ships please help me!!!!! :mad: 😕 :frown: :eek:


First off, try thinking and searching a bit before posting. You'll find Confed ships available on Earth, had you looked.

Secondly, there is a strange and alien concept known as grammar. You would be well advised to learn it if you want to be at all respected on these boards.

"He's probably the least qualified person ever to be nominated by a major party... What is his accomplishment? That he's no longer an obnoxious drunk?"
- Ron Reagan, son of the former president, on George W. Bush; a (url="http://"")Ralph Nader(/url) supporter.

AIM: ColdFusion117

(url="http://"")Quantumire: Special Edition(/url)
Coming soon from Meowx Design.

Thanks for your advice ... and I will work on my grammar so I can gain some respect. However, if I slip up, please forgive me as I am only 9 years old.




Originally posted by ColdFusion:
**First off, try thinking and searching a bit before posting. You'll find Confed ships available on Earth, had you looked.

Secondly, there is a strange and alien concept known as grammar. You would be well advised to learn it if you want to be at all respected on these boards.

No, they are not on Earth, they are on Luna, if you have the old version of EV, there is the damn confed Shipyard bug. Download the new version and the plug that fixes the bug. Can't remember whether the new version fixes it.

Those who stand, will always fall.

Yea Luna. You will find Rebel ships as well (I think). I haven't done the string for a while but I do know you will not find the ship on Earth.

Why is there yogurt in this cap?
-It used to be milk but time makes fools of us all.


Originally posted by Desert Fox:
**Yea Luna. You will find Rebel ships as well (I think). I haven't done the string for a while but I do know you will not find the ship on Earth.

Yup, confed ships become available as well, they fixed the bug so you can buy fed ships, but made it so taht you can buy rebel ships as well without doing the rebel missions 🙂

Those who stand, will always fall.

Of course you could also just disable the stupid things and steal them 🙂

Why is there yogurt in this cap?
-It used to be milk but time makes fools of us all.

Well I just got ev 105 and I found the confed ships at Luna but the rebel
ships were not there so could someone help me find the rebel ships...


They are on Palshife but you might need to bribe your way on.


I don't bribe and cause then I lose about 5K out of my 300mil of credits 😉

But you don't have ta bribe, you just have to land on Palshife and buy the ships. But I think mabey the Plugin fixed that so that you have to do the mission. The Update fixes only the confedship prob, or is it the other way around? is getting confused

Oh my god! They killed Kenny... YOU BASTARDS!!!