SIT files

I am running EV in an emulator, so obviously I dont know much about macintosh formats - was hoping someone could help me.
I used stuffit to unzip "EV Game Expander" #1 plugin, and it gave me a .SIT file.. thats it. I tried to open the SIT file.. just opened StuffIt again. How do I load up EV with this plugin installed and ready?


ok... you must have screwed something up in the beginning.

The file you get when you dl a plugin is a compressed file - eg, plugin.sit. What you have to do is to drop this file onto StuffIt Expander, and you should get the plugin or a folder with the plugin in it.

"He's probably the least qualified person ever to be nominated by a major party... What is his accomplishment? That he's no longer an obnoxious drunk?"
- Ron Reagan, son of the former president, on George W. Bush; a (url="http://"")Ralph Nader(/url) supporter.

AIM: ColdFusion117

Hmm, well the plugin is downloaded as a .BIN format, then i extract the BIN and out comes a SIT.
Arg, thanks though, ill figure it out.


ok - drop the .sit file onto StuffIt Expander. Problem solved.

"He's probably the least qualified person ever to be nominated by a major party... What is his accomplishment? That he's no longer an obnoxious drunk?"
- Ron Reagan, son of the former president, on George W. Bush; a (url="http://"")Ralph Nader(/url) supporter.

AIM: ColdFusion117

Yeah i thought of that so i tried - nothing.
My emulator must suck (heh no sound in DOS either but i think thats my problem, not the emu).
Anyone nice enough to send me the uncompressed file/plugin of EVGE? Would really appreciate it!
ICQ: 18842613
