EV3 web board opens...

We've opened up the official EV3 web board, for those who are interested in such things:


I'd also suggest reading over the EV3 FAQ, which lets a few cats out of the bag (but still leaves a few felines in there, too 🙂 😞



Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.

Keep up the good work, el presidente!!! Since no one on this board know proper etiquette, I, an EVO board supporter have to start you up! That's too bad...

"You can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs."

-Quote from Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov, alias Lenin when he made a speech about counter-terrorism to the Soviet Union-
The best UT site on the net
The best macgamer site on the net
A good Mac Shareware site on the net
A good hyperarchive site for mac
Want to take a brake from the net? Try this...
If ya have any requests or simply just want to bug me my address is: (url="http://"mailto:psycho_e@excite.com")mailto:psycho_e@excite.com(/url)psycho_e@excite.com

"knows" proper


The Macology.com Team
Macology - The study of all things Macintosh

(This message has been edited by The Macology.com Team (edited 08-22-2000).)

Alright, I missed an "s"!!! Kill me, throw me off a cliff, give me a snapkick to the head, shoot me with a Csech 58/11 and let me burn in hell for missing an "s"...... :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

"You can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs."

-Quote from Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov, alias Lenin when he made a speech about counter-terrorism to the Soviet Union-
The best UT site on the net
The best macgamer site on the net
A good Mac Shareware site on the net
A good hyperarchive site for mac
Want to take a brake from the net? Try this...
If ya have any requests or simply just want to bug me my address is: (url="http://"mailto:psycho_e@excite.com")mailto:psycho_e@excite.com(/url)psycho_e@excite.com

CelticStarbase promptly throws Eirik off a cliff.


Nice EV3 webboard! Keep on working on EV3!
