Stuffit expander

can anyone send me a copy of it that isnt in .bin format ie. .exe

Flesh so fine, so fine to tear, to gash the skin; skin to strip, to plait, so nice to plait the strips, so nice, so red the drops that fall; blood so red, so red, so sweet; sweet screams, pretty screams, singing screams, scream your song, sing your screams....

Why don't you just download it from alladin systems?


Aladdin website: (url="http://"")
The server will automatically redirect you to the main page and then you can download Stuffit for free...

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because its in .sea format and i need .exe

Flesh so fine, so fine to tear, to gash the skin; skin to strip, to plait, so nice to plait the strips, so nice, so red the drops that fall; blood so red, so red, so sweet; sweet screams, pretty screams, singing screams, scream your song, sing your screams....


Originally posted by Whitelancer:
**because its in .sea format and i need .exe


Go to the site again and download the WINDOWS version, it's in .exe format, there, it's settled, I checked it myself so I know I'm right.
