Allocate more memory??

Hi I was wondering how you allocate more memory to EV that's the only way I can play my fav old skool plugin.

PS no more ardi!! I finally got Mac OS 8 works great 🙂


Highlight the Escape Velocity icon and go to get info (file menu or command i) depending on when your version of OS8 was released there will be an area for preffered and minimum memory allocation in the main are. If not there should be pull down menu that says general info. Go into that and you should see the memory boxes. Increase the preffered size to as much as your system can handle.

Exquisite dead guy, rotating in his display case
Exquisite dead guy, swear I saw his mouth move
Exquisite dead guy, outside my high rise apartment
Exquisite dead guy, hanging from a sky hook

(url="http://"")Official Resistance Webboard(/url)

Thanks!!!!!!! now I can play my fav plug ins!
