[ANN] -- EV Plug-in Developer FAQs -- need maintainers!

As some of you may or may not have noticed from the announcement on the EV Developer's corner web board, there is now an online EV Plug-in Developer FAQs set up, which contains a good deal of useful information if you're working on a plugin:


The information in this FAQ is largely taken from an old (circa 1997) FAQ; I did fix some of the fairly glarring mistakes, and updated a number of URLs and other information, however, it is still not quite up to date.

The information in the FAQ is still quite useful (otherwise I wouldn't have bothered to have put it up), but I'd ideally like to get it up to date entirely -- fixing any answers that are correct for EV but not for EVO, adding in more FAQs, etc.

That's where you come in -- because of the system I've written for the FAQ script, I can appoint maintainers for the FAQ, who can maintain the FAQ online with just a web browser (similarly to how the web boards are moderated).

I'm looking for volunteers -- it shouldn't be too much work; just the initial work of going over the FAQ to ensure its accuracy and making sure it is up to date. Then periodically adding in new FAQs as they appear on the web board.

Good candidates should be responsible, and know a good bit about designing plugins -- if you're interested, please reply here or eMail me at: andrew@AmbrosiaSW.com

Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.