Mass Driver


Originally posted by Whurp:
**the 2 best weapons in the game: torpedoes and particle beam!

I agree with you ever-so haistily, Whurp. The particle beam can turn a scoutship into a one-man battalion! (which is why I use a scoutship with a particle beam :D)


Originally posted by Shadow:
**I always use it when dominating planets (wich is all I do right now). It´s great. I fly a Confederate Cruiser, named "Confederate Crucher". I have my old ship as my escort, the "Rebel Crucher", wich is a Rebel Cruiser. I worked for the rebbels, and I have good stats on all their planets, but their ships always attack me, why? Is it cuz I fly a Confederate Crusire? Dosn´t matter (but is that why?) cuz I will take over the whole gallaxy (I hope)!!!!!! MMOOOAAHHAHAHAHA!!!

hehehe, did you get the same thing well flying the rebel cruiser? You should have. It is only cause you are flying an enemy ship. Computer thinks it is enemy, and will attack you. Just fix the Shipyard ID's to indy, and you should be fine. There is also a plug that does it for you. Makes it helpful instead of becoming a galactic scorage (I think that is the lowest), of course if you are dominating, doesn't really matter.

As for the Mass Driver, I never use it. My weapons are 4 proton turrets, 2 torpedoe lunchers, and max in torps, if not torps, it is rocket launchers.

Those who stand, will always fall.