Trade Routes

I've been playing EVO recently and Im just now coming back to EV. Before I start any major missions, I'd like a capable ship. I suppose trading with a convoy would be the easiest, so does anyone know of any good, profitable trade routes? Thanks


What I like to do to raise money is hire a bunch of light freighters on Tabletop in the Eridani system, fill up on equipment, and sell it on Luna in the Sol system (one jump away). Repeat until you have millions! All you really need is a shuttle to start. Graduate to an Argosy, Corvette, or Kestrel, whatever suits your needs.



P.S. For good upgrades, go to Alkaidon and Darven. Expensive, but worth it.

For me, the best trade rout by far is between Capella and Darkstar, hauling industrial (I think) goods to Darkstar (Minor profit) and Luxery Goods to Capella (MAJOR) profit. Pirates can be a problem, and the best way for your convoy to survive is if you get an afterburner, speed to where you can jump, and do so pronto. The less time you spend in a system, the better.
I've earned up to 3.M at a time.

We do not live to work, rather, we work to live.

Does anybody know any other GOOD ones? I've used the Capella-Darkstar method for a while and the Eridani-Sol one for a while and neither are making enough money for me. I need better trade routes, anybody willing to help?

Death is the most unjustified of fears. For there's no fear of dying from a dead man

- Albert Einstien

My goodness, either you aren't doing something right, or you want an awful LOT of money! As Inoted, you can make over a million per trip on the Capella-Darkstar route. Doesn't take long to get quite a bit of cash..... Are you hiring freighters?

We do not live to work, rather, we work to live.

Ok I have captured a Bulk Frieghter (sp?) and have one captured Light freighter. And have hired 5 light frieghters. And I am hoping to make more than a ton of money, more like hundreds of tons of money =).

Death is the most unjustified of fears. For there's no fear of dying from a dead man

- Albert Einstien

The Adhara<->Agena run isn't bad. Very short run, trading Indu for Medi, Low to High for each. This may possibly be the most profitable 2-stop run there is, actually, provided your convoy doesn't get torn apart by pirates. I haven't worked out any 3- (or more) stop runs in any definitive manner, but for 2-stops, there are few better. A round trip earns you 378 per ton gross (before paying for your escorts - figure 19/ton/day for light freighters).

Theoretically, the most profitable 2-stop run would involve trading medi for luxu, both low to high, but I don't know of any planet combos that will allow that. The second highest theoretical would be trading low->high between medi and equi, but again I don't know if that's actually possible. The Agena->Adhara run is the third highest theoretically, and the highest in reality.

Actually, the same indu<->medi run is also possible between a few other planets, but Agena<->Adhara is also the SHORTEST indu<->medi run out there.

Since this run is two jumps long, the net take on a round trip (4 jumps plus 2 days planetside) = 378 - 6*19 = 264 credits/ton using light freighters. At 150 tons per l.freighter, that equals 39,600 net profit per round trip per freighter.

My Favorite trade route is between New Japan and Lethe Prime. Get a few Frieghters (Captured Bulk Frieghters are best) and buy as much medical supplies as you can on New Japan. Head straight for Lethe. Plan your route and hold down the "J" button, so you don't waste a second while pirates are around.
The Med supplies Always sell for HIGH on Lethe, but if they recently had an orbital bombardment (around every 5 runs) Med supplies sell for a whooping 1100c! (HIGHER)
This is a risky trade route though... Pirates and Cydonian patrols will attack often. Just try to jump and land ASAP. Don't bother with fighter escorts; They usually don't protect weak freighter's in time.

"It came with a side of coleslaw, and I must say, it was quite reasonably priced."

how the hell do you run lux goods from darkstar to capella (more than 2 jumps) and get over 1 mil per run, when you can go from spica to yemuro with medical supplies (higher price) and dont get 1 mil per day


GO from Yemoue to Spica with med and then back with equitment. makes a boundle any ship with cargo. I started of with a shuttle and now have and agrice with a confed friget as an escort. I also have lots of upgrades.