Beta-testing and such...

To those whom it may concern:

Since I first discovered Ambrosia's jewel in 1997, I've been an avid Escape Velocity fan. However, this is my first visit to Ambrosia's EV web board, and I'm excited to see that there are many developers who are still "plugging away" (pun intended).

Over the past couple of years I've been beta-testing software for Terminal Reality Inc. on both the Macintosh and Windows platforms. My most recent undertaking was testing TRI's revolutionary general aviation simulator "Fly!" (as a Microsoft Flight Simulator user since version 4.0, I can honestly say, "Microsoft Flight Simulator, eat your heart out!"). Incidentally, if you enjoy general aviation, I encourage you to check out this simulator at (url="http://"") Terminal Reality has brought an amazing product to the Macintosh with "Fly!".

I would be happy to offer my beta-testing services to anyone developing new EV/EVO plug-ins. I consider myself an effective writer and communicator, so if there are problems with your plug or TC, I'll make sure you hear about them. I also use ResEdit quite frequently, so I'd be willing to help plug-in developers iron out any bugs.

This post may belong on the EV/EVO Developer's Board, but I think it likely that more EV enthusiasts/developers participate on the Escape Velocity Web Board. And I'm not sure whether or not Ambrosia discourages cross-posting.

Now I'm just waiting for EV3 and OSX...

Vance Valorium

Jim: "Did you know that
if you play a Windows
NT CD backwards, you
can hear a Satanic

Jack: "That's nothing. If
you play it forward, it
installs Windows NT."

(This message has been edited by Vance Valorium (edited 07-19-2000).)

(This message has been edited by Vance Valorium (edited 07-19-2000).)

Hi! glad to see there is at least one fellow pilot on this board, as for Flightsim I have always seen it as a fair simulation of actual flight, with some errors of course but still - not bad

If I fly the ship, shoot the guns, and work the hyperspace, what the hell does my crew do?


Originally posted by Dsalk:
**Hi! glad to see there is at least one fellow pilot on this board, as for Flightsim I have always seen it as a fair simulation of actual flight, with some errors of course but still - not bad


Do you have your PPL (i.e. "real-world")? Currently I'm working on a degree in Aviation Management at my local university. I should have my IFR and twin-engine ratings by the time I have finished the course.

Vance Valorium

Jim: "Did you know that
if you play a Windows
NT CD backwards, you
can hear a Satanic

Jack: "That's nothing. If
you play it forward, it
installs Windows NT."