A few ?'s

Okay, I've been working on a plugin for EV, and I have a few questions I need help with.

  1. When a weapon is set to continually rotate the graphic, does it begin at the first frame, or does it begin based on which direction the ship is facing?
  2. Is there any way to make an outfit buyable, but unsellable?
  3. An uninhabited system keeps showing up as inhabited on the map. Any clues on why this may be?
  4. How do I set how long it takes a ship to do a hyper jump?

Thanks in advance. And trust me, it'll be very cool 🙂


()Not sure, I think it's the latter.
()I'm not entirely sure look at some existing uninhabited systems.
)Only possible in EVO.(/list=a)

Some advice; NEVER use EV-Edit. It will do a big smelly electronic crap on your plug and giggle silently while you tear your hair out, so instead use ResEdit and the EV Bible Annotated Edition, Schmelta-V. and the EV Developer's Map (all are in add-on files). For graphics, use Mechanisto and Mechanisto Helper, both in add-on files.

AIM: evandrewm / xaeomega

(This message has been edited by Andrew M (edited 07-07-2000).)

4. Only possible in EVO.

Now I know for a fact that this is not true. The Argosy takes three days to jump, while the Shuttlecraft takes only one. So how do I set these values?



Originally posted by Giule:
**> 4. Only possible in EVO.

Now I know for a fact that this is not true. The Argosy takes three days to jump, while the Shuttlecraft takes only one. So how do I set these values?**


Mass The mass of the ship, in tons. This doesn't affect acceleration
or speed at all, but it does affect travel time in hyperspace
and the display on the density scanner. Also, the blast radius
and impact strength when the ship explodes is proportional to
its mass.
1-99 1 day per jump, small blip on density scanner
100-199 2 days per jump, large blip on density scanner
200 and up 3 days per jump, large blip on density scanner


I've got a question to. While hyperspacing you can make it shorter. Like in Final Battle how he shortens it from 8.33 seconds to 5.17 seconds. Is it because of how long the sound is or something else?

Your standing in line,
a very big line,
And you have a gun,
a Big Freaking Gun,
Gee now what do you do?


Originally posted by Kryptauros:
**I've got a question to. While hyperspacing you can make it shorter. Like in Final Battle how he shortens it from 8.33 seconds to 5.17 seconds. Is it because of how long the sound is or something else?

Yes, it's the length (time) of the hyperspace sound.

Joe Burnette

"I find that humans can be divided into only two meaningful categories: Decent Humans and Sonsofbitches; both types appear to be evenly distributed
among all shapes, colors, sizes, and nationalities." -- Keith Laumer


Originally posted by Giule:
3) An uninhabited system keeps showing up as inhabited on the map. Any clues on why this may be?...

The most likely reason is that the system is inhabited. Check the flags of any spöbs in the system.

Joe Burnette

"I find that humans can be divided into only two meaningful categories: Decent Humans and Sonsofbitches; both types appear to be evenly distributed
among all shapes, colors, sizes, and nationalities." -- Keith Laumer

You CAN make an outfit unsellabe. there's a flag you can set for that so certain things cannot be sold. Its that way for EVO, anyway....if ya don't believe me open up EV's data files with EV-edit and open up an outfit...there's a box you can check that says "can't be sold"
