Escape Velocity: After Earth

I've noticed in the screen shots page of Escape Velocity that one showed Earth was basicly cut in half. The summery of the pic said that you could download plugins, meaning that there's a plugin with After Earth that I so want. I had a idea that it was the plugin where the aliens are back but my computer is slow at downloading. It took 1 hour to just download EV(5 megs). If any of you know the plugin, please reply.

Jack the happy gamer.


Originally posted by jack_cole1989:
**I've noticed in the screen shots page of Escape Velocity that one showed Earth was basicly cut in half. The summery of the pic said that you could download plugins, meaning that there's a plugin with After Earth that I so want. I had a idea that it was the plugin where the aliens are back but my computer is slow at downloading. It took 1 hour to just download EV(5 megs). If any of you know the plugin, please reply.


Hmmm. Interesting idea for a plug. Watch Titan: After Earth/AE for a few ideas.

"We made touch down."
"So. Is the moon really made of cheese?"
"That's affirmative sir."
"Is it better than real California cheese?"
"That's a negative sir."

{((Rip C. Evumizar))}

I've also seen that plug-in else where but i cant remember the website

That shot was taken from the plug in "Galactic Scourge."

It's supposed to be a realy huge plug in, and that shot of earth cut in half can only happen after a certain string of missions.

Galactic Scourge is, without a doubt, the best plugin there is out there

Yes, it is from Galactic Scourge, as always if you email me or Max we will give you an address where you can mail a blank CD, Zip Disc, or a couple of bucks and a SASE. We will, in return send you a CD or Zip with Galactic Scourge and the entire GS website for your off-line reference.

