Is anyone talented at doing graphics?

For my TC, Discovery. It will be very, very cool. I already have 3, and one will leave. If you can work with me and my team, then e-mail me at , and I'll get back to you. Cheers.

AIM: Just, GavHardy.:-)
Check out the site! Exellent webboard! Come on in!

I'd like fish 'n' chips, with extra batter and a lump of lard on the side. Also, a triple extra-large chocolate ice-cream with a flake in each scoop, a large cheese burger, with another compliment of fries, and whatever that person over there is eating, and some coke. Oh, and make that Diet Coke, as I'm on a diet.

I came, I saw, I left home 'cos my dinner was cold.
-Julias Caeser in Carry on Caeser comedy series.


1/8 computer nerd
1/8 fast biker
1/8 tv watcher
1/8 EVO fan
1/2 clubber and lady's man
