Quick ways to get a good legal status

Please, give me your best strategies for getting a good legal status so I will be able to run Rebel/Confed missions! I've been doing a lot of rush missions, but something is wrong, 'cause my legal status wont go over "Offender"!!

You need to help out the government by destroying their enemies.

If you want to run with the Rebs, destroy Confed ships in their space. Do just the opposite to get the Feds on your side.

Destroying Pirates works for both I believe and there's always the expensive (but quick) fix available on one of the Pirate worlds: the Fake ID.

I got in the goods with the rebels just hanging around in their space and visiting as many bars as I could. Eventually you'll get some mission there and when you start doing those you're legal status will improve. If you're already an offender, be prepared to maybe pay some bribes for landing privileges though.

(This message has been edited by Morto (edited 06-28-2000).)

To get free access to pirate worlds (a good legal status really) get one of those "transport criminal" missions and when the fighters tail you to new antigua or wherever blow em away. You can land for free and the pirates won't attack you in the system.

"How can I make it go faster?" -Me-