Oh yea well...

EV3? What When Why What Who How? Is it going to be good. has anyone heard anything specific? Ok Maybe I'm a little over excited... Oh well. So why would an honest opinion question be squelched by the powers? I guess because it leads to anti-override talk and since the establishment runs the board they don't want their product dissed... Maybe that is it.
The Madcap Magician

There are no stupid questions. Just stupid people.


Originally posted by The Madcap Magician:
**EV3? What When Why What Who How? Is it going to be good. has anyone heard anything specific? Ok Maybe I'm a little over excited... Oh well. So why would an honest opinion question be squelched by the powers? I guess because it leads to anti-override talk and since the establishment runs the board they don't want their product dissed... Maybe that is it.
The Madcap Magician


16 bit graphics lots of movies, and I don't have a clue when its going to be out. I doubt that they have even started on it yet.

I own the night!

Hey everyone! I just thought of a GREAT idea!!!

What if andrew (I think he's the president of the company who makes these game, if you didn't know) made EV3 32-bit graphics, three dimensional, (requiring Open GL, of course) and multi-player!

This is probably never been brought up... I mean, Multi-player EV? Iot would be cool though. How about this. I give some guy ideas for MPEV, and he codes the whole thing from scratch, or maybee multi-player could be a plug i guess... Anyway, I can find some guy to code for free 24 hours a day, what do you guys think???

**Cotton Mouse shoots himself in the head

"...Cotton Mouse... to say that the plug is royally messed up is an understatement. I'm taking a look at it with Plug Checker, and some of these errors I have just never seen before..."-Obormot, debugger

ERA for EV:

(still in alpha stages)

Well, that could work, except that 32 bit graphics, 3D enviroment ect. would cut out all 68k macs, and most lower to mid range 601-603 power macs. That would effectively cut out 1/4-1/3 of Ambrosia's market. That would not only take more man power or time than Ambrosia currently has to work on a project like that, but would also be an exteamly bad marketing desission(sp).

Confucius say: "Man who stand on toilet, is high on pot."

Multiplayer EV has been suggested in the past, but the project has proved to be too daunting for Ambrosia or any other group of programmers, for that matter, to undertake. It's simply too large of a game for multiplayer...I mean, who would want to run around 200 systems trying to find their enemy?



Originally posted by mad cow disease:
**Multiplayer EV has been suggested in the past, but the project has proved to be too daunting for Ambrosia or any other group of programmers, for that matter, to undertake. It's simply too large of a game for multiplayer...I mean, who would want to run around 200 systems trying to find their enemy?


I don;t think you uinderstand the concept of sarcasm. He was PRETENDING to be a newbie.

Learn to understand, and there will be nothing to know.

Oh, I'm sorry. Did that break your concentration?
I didn't mean to do that.
Please, continue.
I believe you were saying something about "best intentions."

"It's time for the human race to enter the solar system."
- Dan Quayle

--"You guys line up alphabetically by height."
- Bill Peterson, Florida State football coach

Man walks into a bar...you finish it

And I don't think you understand the point that sarcasm can't be expressed clearly by WRITING. Secondly, I don't know, but you're definitely a "newbie" compared to me.


Yes, In case you didn't notice, I was being very sarcastic.

That paragraph contained somthing every newb brought up about MPEV.

I especially that "Andrew is the president I think, In case you guyz didn't know..."

I forgot which newb said that, but I'm sure He didn't stay 😉

"...Cotton Mouse... to say that the plug is royally messed up is an understatement. I'm taking a look at it with Plug Checker, and some of these errors I have just never seen before..."-Obormot, debugger

ERA for EV:

(still in alpha stages)

Oh, 427 posts... Sniff**

"...Cotton Mouse... to say that the plug is royally messed up is an understatement. I'm taking a look at it with Plug Checker, and some of these errors I have just never seen before..."-Obormot, debugger

ERA for EV:

(still in alpha stages)