E2 Dark Horizon Bugs question for creator.

I'm not quite sure who the designer of E2 Dark Horizon is but I want to say that I think it is a great plugin. My only problem is that pesky one way hyperlink. Now I downloaded and installed the E2 updater and in the installation notes it states "NOTE: On the map you will see what appears to be a dead-end hyperlink from the NGC-8113 system. This is not, I repeat, NOT a bug, but rather an artifact caused by the complicated visbits in this region. The mission suite this hyperlink is involved with is fully functional." Now I am stuck in NGC-8117 with no way to get back to NGC-8113 and the rest of the known universe. If this is not a bug then how do I get out of here?
The Madcap Magician

There are no stupid questions. Just stupid people.

I'm not the creator of E2, but I've run into that problem before. You could (supposedly) modify a program like InstaWarp to send your pilot to another system, you could modify the plugin with ResEdit (heck, EV Edit would do, but backup the plug), or you could abandon that pilot file.
All you'd have to do with a plug editor (whichever one you use) is add another hyperlink between whatever system you're in, and a system outside the area (for example, Lethe), jump out through the new hyperlink, land on a planet outside the area you were trapped in, than take out the modified plug and put the original plug back in. Voila; that should work.