EV on a PC

I have a PC and I have Executor and I was wondering how to put the two together to play EV/EVO. Please post on how to do it. Thanks.


First of all I speak for all on this board saying that if you have any questions about executor, make your post something like "questions about executor." Never make it "EV on PC" that is very annoying and may get you flamed.

Ok anyways, I am a PC user who uses executor. It is quite simple to run really.
1.You need to d/l the EV game .bin file from the Ambrosia site.
2.Then use stuffit expander to expand the file (do this from inside executor)
3. Then run the installation program that should be unstuffed.
4. That should install the game in a folder called "Escape Velocity 4.0.0f" or so,ething similar.
5. To run the game, simply open this folder and double click on the EV icon.

Note: If you wish to run any plugins you should edit the shortcut to give you more memory. Heres how to do that:

1.Go to your "My Computer" go to "C: drive", then "Windows" then "Start Menu"
2. Then go to the executor folder (the default is ARDI)
3. right click on the "Executor Win32 Demo" shortcut icon
4. SElect properties
5. go to the box that says "target" and press the "end" key
6. now make a single space and type the following(minus qoutes): "-memory Xm"
X here is the amount of memory you want to specify. just type the number (e.g. 56m for 56 mb of RAM) You should put at least 32 but use as much as possible.

Ok, that should set you straight, if you have any questions just post 'em here or email me.

-Cpt Kolath


How you you get a penut-butter-and-jelly sandwich out of a disk drive?

How do you get a PB&J; sandwich out of a floppy drive? How do you get one in there in the first place????

Wait, don't answer that... I don't want to know...

Knucklehead, Aeon Productions


(Insert witty remark here)