EV Game Expander

I've recently been trying to find a site to download EV Game Expander 2nd Edition, a great EV plug-in, but it seems that it's not listed here anymore. When I tried to download the file from the main site, it didn't work as well. Maybe someone out there can reply a link so I can once again play this great plug-in for Escape Velocity.

On a Hotline Starlight server.



Originally posted by KyleOdin:
I've recently been trying to find a site to download EV Game Expander 2nd Edition, a great EV plug-in, but it seems that it's not listed here anymore. When I tried to download the file from the main site, it didn't work as well. Maybe someone out there can reply a link so I can once again play this great plug-in for Escape Velocity.

I downloaded it from here just fine -- try it again. The file may have an odd name when it's down downloading, but just drag it on Stuffit Expander and all should be well.

Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.


Originally posted by andrew:
**I downloaded it from here just fine -- try it again. The file may have an odd name when it's down downloading, but just drag it on Stuffit Expander and all should be well.


I take that back -- there is indeed something wrong with this file. I went to the EVGE web site, but the download link there is bad too. Does anyone have a fresh copy of the latest version of this plugin? If so, upload it! 🙂

Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.