Project Plugin

In the not so distant past, the official EV/EVO web site wasn't updated that frequently. When developers released plugins, it would take quite a bit of time for them to actually be released on the web site.

Now of course, when you've finished something you've worked hard on, you are very anxious for people to see it, give you feedback on it, etc. The net result of this is that the plugin developers had to take matters into their own hands, create a whole web site/download area for their plugin, and hope people would find it.

I'd like to bring the archives back as a central, up-to-date place for people to get plugins of all sorts, and undo the slow damage of neglect that caused them to fall into disrepair over the years.

I call it Project Plugin.

I think we're finally starting to get things back in gear -- files uploaded to the new Add On Files area are generally released within a day or two, and things are looking up for EV/EVO fans looking for a central place to find all of the plugins their commanding little hearts desire.

As a result, I'd like to ask for your assistance. There are three major things you can do to help (and everyone in the EV/EVO community will benefit from the little bit of help you can give):

  1. If you are a plugin author, make sure that the latest version of your plugin is uploaded to the proper EV/EVO Add On Files area:

EVO: (url="http://"")http://www.AmbrosiaS...evo/addons.html(/url)
EV: (url="http://"")http://www.AmbrosiaS.../ev/addons.html(/url)

  1. If you are aware of a plugin of consequence that isn't available in our archives (for instance, F-25 and MAGMA were not available there until recently), please eMail me ( or the admins ( the URL of where the plugin can be obtained so I can upload it to the archives (or better yet, upload it yourself). Please be respectful of the plugin authors, and give the plugin a good description, too:

EVO: (url="http://"")http://www.AmbrosiaS...evo/addons.html(/url)
EV: (url="http://"")http://www.AmbrosiaS.../ev/addons.html(/url)

  1. If you find a plugin that is in our archives, but has a bad description, no description, is corrupted, you have a problem downloading, etc., let our admins know about it so they can fix it! eMail the information to: the admins can get it taken care of with alacrity. Thanks for any help you can contribute to Project Plugin.

(This message has been edited by andrew (edited 05-25-2000).)

I added a bunch of "new" plugins to the EV archive recently, check it out!

We have the male and female "Mugabi and Destiny" plugins, the Empire trilogy ("War Without End", "Dark Horizons", and "Endgame"), among others!

If there are any plugins of note that aren't in the archives, please let me know!

Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.