website help

I have some questions for my website, so if you know the answers, please respond. Thanks.

how do you make interlaced gifs?
how do you make it so links don't get underlined?

Photoshop, when saving in a gif format, will ask you if you want to save them as regular gifs or interlaced gifs. I'm not sure of how to do it in any other program.

For getting the underlines out of your links, put this code at the top of your HTML document, inside the <HEAD> tag (well, not inside, just before the </HEAD> 😞

<style type="text/css"><!-- A:link, A:visited, A:active { text-decoration: none }--></style>

There is also a code that you put in individual links that will take out the underlines for that link only, but I can't remember what it is. I know I have it around here somewhere, but just use the above code.


Thanks, that helps.

Capn. Culliflower
(url="http://"")Starcraft 2v2 Tournament(/url)