Infiny-D Help

I'm trying to make some ships and I'm not really good with Infiny-D. So I would really appreciate if somebody could answer a few questions, conserning making ships in this programme.
1. How do you guys work with colors? I mean how do you make this beautiful color ships. I made one made a little plug (just to see how this ship looks in EV enviroment) and the colors were ugly. The colors were OK in True Color mode, but when changed to 256 colors they were really messed up.
2. I'm using Ship Spin Assist. by Matthey Dailey and render ships for 72/72 size sprites. So to avoid the above probleme would it be wiser to render ship in big size and then edit colrs, scale, etc. in Photoshop.
3. I user MakeSpin to make sprites. The masks I've got had really rough edges. Do you edit the masks after you made mask sprites.
4. I also wannted to try Pics2Sprites , but there is some problem with PICs files I make in Infiny-D. Photoshop can't open them (saying that the file is empty, though showing the file thumbnail). I can open them only in Graphic Converter. In Matthey Daileys Ship Builders Guide there was something about checking the box "Crop to a difference in frames" while rendering and saving file for Pics2Sprites. I' m using Infiny-d 4.5 and I can't find this box. When I'm trying to put this PICs files through Pics2Sprites my computer instantly crashes. What can be a problem?

If somebody can give me a hint how to overcome this probles I would really appreciate it.


1. Render the ship in 256 colors. Look closely at the ship in 256 before you spin it. There should be no need for photoshop work after.
2. You should be able to render your ship in any size (down to 32x32) with Infini-D.
3. MakeSpin is generally fine. If the ships have hollow middles or look too jaggy, you can either re-spin them with all the colors set to glowing white with no shadows, or use Color-It or Photoshop to de-colorize and whiten the ship. Simply pasting in "add" mode does a great job 95% of the time.

At least this is true with me, I am using Infini-D 3.0 (with the help of Anim Spin Assist), Color-It 3.0, and MakeSpin for Galactic Scourge and Galactic Scourge II: The Resurrection.

