EVO on a PC

I am trying to run EV Override on a PC using the Ardi Executor demo. First off, i don't want any crapp from anybody here saying, "ya should just buy a mac instead" because i would if i had money that i could just throw around everywhere...as it is i have to use a pc and can't buy myself a mac.

That said and done, I was wondering if anyone could help with this slight prob of mine. Although the game will load and run in Executor, the graphics won't update correctly. I start out on a planet somewhere, and press the accelerate key. About 30 seconds later, the screen FINALLY changes, and I am in deep space far away from my starting point. Obviously the graphics is my only problem. I am using Win98, 128 MB RAM, 400 or so MHz processor pentium II. If U need any more info on my comp i can probably find it for you.


oops, didn't see that my post showed up...posted another later...

please reply to the other post...

Well what you have to do is, while you are on the EV start screen (with Open Pilot and Prefs and stuff) hold down Left Alt- Left Shift- 5 (not number pad 5) and there should be a box that comes up. There is a part that says "screen updates", change that from "normal" to "animation." Also in the prefs screen you should use quickdraw, that helps a little.

What I am wondering is how to allocate memory to EVO, cuz whenever I try to hyperjump the game freezes up. I know this is a memory problem but I don't know how to allocate memory. Do you know how to do it?


Thanks a lot, even tho i had just discovered that a little while ago on my own.

As for your problem, here's how:

(I am assuming you use windows 95 or 98 here)

1. instead of going straight to executor, goto MS-DOS prompt first
2. goto the directory that executor is in.
3. type "executor -applshare (#)m" where (#) is a number 1..64 representing how many megs of memory you want to allocate to executor. Set it up high if you can... 16 or 32 megs or so should be fine.

Its strange, though, that i never had this problem when running executor normally. Could just be my system, or luck, i guess...


I've got a 286. Are you sure you arn't using the same? 😛




easy, get executor for win98. it automatically allocates RAM. I can't run EVO on it though. i think it's whenever I land on a planet that plays a sound. this is because with some planets it won't lock up and others it will after 5 seconds or so (when the sound stops). it won't lock up if i go into one of the "rooms" (bar, mission comp, outfits, stipclub, whatever). and yes, I do feel your pain of not having a mac. I have 2 quasi-working macs. one doesn't let me access the cdrom drive, the other can't get net access (need new nic). know where i can get LC style NICs cheap?

Gluegun: in a perfect Egor voice Yes, master?
Valkor: holds hands in air, waves hands frantically No you idiot, over here!
Gluegun: Oh. walks towards valkor's voice
(valkor moves)
Valkor: in darth vader voice AH-HAHAHAHA!!!

in executor you can change the sound options for it too i think...

press cmd-shift-5 (alt-shift-5) then change the sound options to off...thats what i have it set to and no prob

The only prob i have with executor is that when i try to use larger screen sizes than 640x480 by changing it from the command line, executor locks up on me before i even RUN evo...
