Confed Mission

I just beat the alien cruiser and returned to mars. They said something about Luna and getting my own confed ships. But when I go to Luna I can only buy confed patrol ships in the outfitters and I can't buy confed ship for my use anywhere. Is there more missions or something, please help!


You did check in the shipyard for warship availability?



Originally posted by msalter:
**You did check in the shipyard for warship availability?


I have checked the shipyards in almost all of the
confed shipyards in the galaxy and even some rebel ones.


Yes, I had that problem, too. What version of EV are you useing? I was using 1.0.2, but I have goto 1.0.5 now.





Originally posted by Hornet:
**Yes, I had that problem, too. What version of EV are you useing? I was using 1.0.2, but I have goto 1.0.5 now.


I am also using version, 1.0.2, I will try to upgrade to 1.0.5
Thanks a lot!
