Well, if it isn't my old nemisis, the EV board...

(font color=green)I bet y'all missed me so much it hurts. Anyway, what's been going on in the EV world since the Jaws of Life last swallowed me up to leave you poor guys out in the cold, spam-less night? Seems a lotta people have left...which is sad, because if that keeps happening, the newbies will be left with yours truly to teach them the ways of the board. How scary a though is THAT? Anyway, it's good to be back, and I intend to stay for awhile.


Green Goblin, the original Supa Spam Masta


sniff, we don't even have HTML anymore.... AND we can't post images!

So much for your Green Goblin pic giving the bird 😃

tear it down / AIM: G2uidehatr


Originally posted by Green Goblin:
**(font color=green)I bet y'all missed me so much it hurts. Anyway, what's been going on in the EV world since the Jaws of Life last swallowed me up to leave you poor guys out in the cold, spam-less night? Seems a lotta people have left...which is sad, because if that keeps happening, the newbies will be left with yours truly to teach them the ways of the board. How scary a though is THAT? Anyway, it's good to be back, and I intend to stay for awhile.


Green Goblin, the original Supa Spam Masta

D**n! He found us! 😄

Hi, GG, welcome back.

Of course you aren't really the original, but you are the current master of spam.

Joe Burnette

"I find that humans can be divided into only two meaningful categories: Decent Humans and Sonsofbitches; both types appear to be evenly distributed
among all shapes, colors, sizes, and nationalities." -- Keith Laumer

Of course I was! Don't try and confuse me with facts!


Green Goblin, who is far to smart to be fooled by logic

If it seems like I'm an assehole, it's because I am.

As King Aurther (did I spell his name right?) would say:

"Run away! Run away!"

DJ Fatty is alive!


Originally posted by The ArcMaster:
**As King Aurther (did I spell his name right?) would say:

"Run away! Run away!"


No. It is spelled Arthur.
Green Goblins don't scare me, it is those awful zombies.

Uh, hi. Nice to see you again. Just thought I'd drop by, and be the one and only, um, non-master of spam... Damn...
