PlugIn Editor?

I've been using EV-Edit for a LONG time, and don't want to take the time to learn res-edit (i've been doing quite enough of that on TSG-VORKONS...), and i'm wondering if there are any bug-free, finished plugin making apps out there?

Divals the Conqueror, Lord of the Galaxy


Just use ResEdit and the EV bible, it's REALLY EASY.

Other edits include:
Developer's map
Schmelta V
EV Formula Calc

tear it down / AIM: G2uidehatr

Recently Pontus released EVO developer's map, its really awesome.


K, thanx guys...

Ever wonder if illiterate people get the full effect of alphabet soup?

which program must you use if you want to create those read me file for a plug-in. I don't mean simpletekst but in the same style like the manual of EV?


Originally posted by anynomous:
which program must you use if you want to create those read me file for a plug-in. I don't mean simpletekst but in the same style like the manual of EV?

I believe they used DocMaker. It makes standalone readme applications with all the necessary features, like pictures, hyperlinks, etc.

"Am becomink system administrator of all Borg functions."
"You mean..."
"Yes. Am becomink root of all evil."

AIM: obormot345