very good topic. what planets have you concered and how? concering

I personally don't think "the boards are going to hell," just two people who can't stop
saying "crap" and "penis."



Yeah andrew, you show that little crapper! I can say it too. Crap, crap crap.(ps, note to person who can't write crap. Who ever can't write crap is a piece of crap who stepped in a crappy crap and craped on his crap.

I can't quite pinpoint what it is I want to do to this good fellow, but it would be bright, colorful, and extremely unpleasant.

There is a fine line between having an attitude problem and thinking clearly.

I agree.
Perhaps real intellectual substance might make him shrivel up and die....



Originally posted by Cap'n Hector Must DIE!!!:
**I agree.
Perhaps real intellectual substance might make him shrivel up and die....


polite cough.. Andrew you can take this one. Personally i think the cap'n is a person who loves to contradict himself (like in his very civil post on evo board called andrew 1000+ or somthing which as you knoticed has probably been deleted). Call me crazy (not literally)but that seemed not to have too much sibstance itself. sighs as he thinks about his capable memoryOh I'm awake now. As I said before, Andrew it's all yours.
-Mista mx

dont hurt the confed but board the dead

Woah, when did Andrew and our dear little heroin addict here become allies?

Mx, darling, honey, sugar-pie; cram it.

There is a fine line between having an attitude problem and thinking clearly.


Originally posted by Neutronic:
**Woah, when did Andrew and our dear little heroin addict here become allies?

Mx, darling, honey, sugar-pie; cram it.


It was either when capn hector said the TWO of us couldnt stop saying crap or mabe it was the earlier mentioned big attack on cap'n when he dissed andrew. To me when you defend somone who doesnt attack newbies, is civil twards you, doesn't make comments about drugs that he/she is addicted to, and is cool enough to stand by and not be ashamed then that is your allie. I am not the only allie who would stand up for Andrew. Andrew is popular enough to have many allies. I hope this ansewers your question. Oh, quietly whispering the whole darling honey sugar pie thing was extremely fruty. Please dont call me any of those names you limp wristed fag. (no offense. i bet you can't help it).

dont hurt the confed but board the dead

mx--first off, darling, the singular form of 'allies' is 'ally'. Do your best to remember that in the future, okay, babes?

secondly--I wasn't insulting Andrew. I was insulting you.

last--I'm female. I can call you "sweetums", "sugar", and "honey-bunch" all I want. Deal with it, daisy-d ick.

Have a nice day.

There is a fine line between having an attitude problem and thinking clearly.

(This message has been edited by Neutronic (edited 04-20-2000).)

Ha ha!
Good one neutronic!



Originally posted by Neutronic:
**mx--first off, darling, the singular form of 'allies' is 'ally'. Do your best to remember that in the future, okay, babes?

secondly--I wasn't insulting Andrew. I was insulting you.

last--I'm female. I can call you "sweetums", "sugar", and "honey-bunch" all I want. Deal with it, daisy-d ick.

Have a nice day.


Sorry miss. You should have somthing to inform other people before they make that mistake. No offense, but I found it hard to tell that you were a chick. If you dont want people to think you are a disgruntled man I suggest a change of attitude.
-Mista mx

dont hurt the confed but board the dead


Originally posted by mx big kestrel:
**Sorry miss. You should have somthing to inform other people before they make that mistake. No offense, but I found it hard to tell that you were a chick. If you dont want people to think you are a disgruntled man I suggest a change of attitude.
-Mista mx


Yea, we wouldn't want her to act like you...

tear it down / AIM: G2uidehatr

mx--this no doubt comes as an incredible surprise to you, but I really could not care less what your opinion of me is. Everyone else, I imagine, is too intelligent to leap to a conclusion which has no basis in fact on the internet.

There is a fine line between having an attitude problem and thinking clearly.

Why are people still responding to this if no one is ansering the original question? Please, neutronic, don't post another witty remark or god forbid, not post on this topic. There really is no reason for you to post here if it is making a vain pop out on your head.

dont hurt the confed but board the dead

Sweetheart, you simply aren't that important to me. I know you'd like to think you can get me worked up, but alas, such is not the case.

If I must answer the question, all the confed, pirate, and independent worlds except for Darven, Sol, and Ruby...I'm fond of Darven and the last two weren't worth my time.

There is a fine line between having an attitude problem and thinking clearly.

Oh, wow! Now we have about a whole four females on the board. What would that be, like a 300 to 1 ratio... I just find this amusing.

Analysis, Mr. Spock?

AIM: obormot345


Originally posted by Obormot:
**Oh, wow! Now we have about a whole four females on the board. What would that be, like a 300 to 1 ratio... I just find this amusing.


Amusing indeed mr obermot of ratioville.
-mista mx

dont hurt the confed but board the dead

mx, just out of morbid curiousity, do you actually find yourself clever?

There is a fine line between having an attitude problem and thinking clearly.

Oh, and mx, please spell my name right. It's Obormot. All o's. No e's. It has a valid meaning, and is not just a random word. "obermot" is a random word. Ok? Good.

Analysis, Mr. Spock?

AIM: obormot345