Another annoying request for number-crunching...(Empire)

I just quit playing EV with the Empire plugin out of sheer and utter disgust. I'm playing the Weave line, and the mission 'canary in the coal mine'--when you're supposed to dominate New Providence is what I'm stuck at. I've dominated this planet outside of this plug, and I'm sure it didn't take this long. It's been an hour since I started, and the damned planet still has a seemingly inexhaustible supply of dreadnoughts, missle carriers, frigates, and other pestering insects that are keeping me from finishing this mission.

Any clue about how many ships I have to gun down before I've got it? Just so I can take consolation in the thought, "Well, that's about a hundred and fifty I've killed, only four thousand, six hundred and twenty-five more..."

There is a fine line between having an attitude problem and thinking clearly.

Keep on killing them. The author of the Empire series seems to be great maniac of conquering the planets (I don't mean anything offending). Sometimes it took me about 2 hours to dominate the planet in his plug-ins. Wait till you get to playing Empire 2, you'll have more fun (or gonna be more frustrated).


Finally finished it, thanks. Now on to Enyo Fuel Refinery. Ho-hum.

Dominating planets gets so dull...

There is a fine line between having an attitude problem and thinking clearly.