EVGE ALL reply PlEaSe

i would like to know all about evge but havent played it yet please give me your feedback opinions about goverments, ships etc...



wraith wrote:
**i would like to know all about evge but havent played it yet please give me your feedback opinions about goverments, ships etc...


One word to describe it is Awsome. It is one of the best. I think it is anyway.
It has many new govs. Plus new alien ship. Download it through Starlight . It is worth it I promise.

Darkness is coming...

(This message has been edited by JuddAS (edited 04-12-2000).)

Maybe a bit late, but still FYI...

The EVGE-site mentioned with the geocities URL some posts below is outdated and no longer valid... I forgot my geocities password ages ago so I cant do anything about it, and geocities never seems to expire "orphaned" sites... 🙂

I tried to upload the plug at the ambrosia EV site, but the upload form/script wasn't very cooperative. Hopefully Mike (firebird) will upload it soon...

As for the final version of EVGE (called EVGEf by some), it has been extremely delayed (I bet you noticed, it was supposed to be released almost 2 years ago ;)) due to things happening in my life (moving away from home, university studies, software projects etc..), but hopefully I'll get the time to finish it soon, as I hate leaving loose ends...

It's almost finished anyway... just some new missions that has to be finished, some new ship-graphics put in, and some playtesting/bugsquashing....

So, what has changed in EVGEf? (writing this from the top of my head, so it's possible that I've forgotten a lot of new things...)

  • New graphics for a bunch of the ships and outfits that I thought looked really cheesy, plastic-looking and spartan in the currently released plug. A few weapon-sprites have been replaced with cooler-looking ones too... (I'd have liked to update most of the graphics, but unfortunately I dont have the time for that...)

  • New, improved sounds for some weapons

  • A few new outfits and weapons (dont remember how many though...)

  • A few new ships...

  • A bunch of new missions, including one huge mission-suite appearing near the end of the game, which is supposed to be very hard to beat near the end...

  • Somewhat altered alien armada... some ships have been modified, others have been replaced... most of them has been renamed 🙂 IMHO, the new alien ships have more attitude and look cooler 😉

  • A lot of game-balance tweaking and other fixes...
    - some ships/weapons have been toned down, others have had their power/abilities slightly increased...
    - the aliens are a bit more rare, as they appear too often in the current version of the plugin.
    - Tweaked the amount of ships and their affiliation in a whole load of the star-systems...
    - Changed the mission-computer "smuggler's den"-missions slightly.
    - Modified the "Alien Wormholes"-mission a little to make it work better.
    - Added a few new trade commodities, changed the location of purchase/sale of a few of the existing ones to make more interesting trade-routes, and changed the cost of a few of them slightly.
    - Made the alien ships a damned lot much harder to beat and capture... They're not supposed to be your average cannon fodder anyway, but something to make space a bit dangerous.
    - Modified the black lightning to make it less of a general purpose weapon... About the same damage-rating, but it takes longer to recharge between shots, and it uses up a healthy load of hyperdrive-fuel for every shot it fires.
    - Tweaked the fuel-usage for the Alpha Proxima ships a bit, to make them a little less invincible, but still powerful enough for anyone who can afford them (you still can't capture them...they rather self-destruct than leak tech).
    - Squashed a lot of bugs and spelling mistakes 🙂

Just a bit of info, as people still seem to play the plug (a bit amazing) 🙂

stoffe (maker of EVGE)

about evge, just dont change my favorite trading post up north, cassiopeia...he he he.

first off, get a condor, and forget the police ships, they are only any good whatsoever around earth, where their firepower is irrevelant.

go with rebels and polaris too, they're better. blk lightning and the fuel thing is an awesome combination.



I didn't like the Blacklightning ... too much like a cheat; but I did use it to get the Alien ships (using an Orion Galaxy Destroyer). I know you think the Aliens were too easy to capture from earlier discussions, but they were quite difficult. I had come back to the plugin a couple times before figuring out the key... and then it was still a lot of work. I never could capture a Wright ... damn.

I also thought the Marauder Enialator (sp) was also a "cheat". I would rather see a healthy allocation of the Alien Attach Fighter's Blaster on that ship (I think that is one of the coolest weapons).

The Marauder is not invincible! If several several Alien Attach Cruisers attach it at the same time, it will go down unless it flees quickly. I've had to do that several times in fleet battles. Of course, another Marauder can kill it instantly.

If fact, flying a Marauder with three Alien Mother Ships as escords, I found that when fighting another Alien fleet I ended up having to protect my Mother Ships from Attack Cruisers, rather than taking an offensive role. I would like to see the Mother Ships stronger compared to the Attack Cruisers.

GREAT PLUGIN ... my favorite (and I've played them "all").


Originally posted by JuddAS:
**One word to describe it is Awsome. It is one of the best. I think it is anyway.
It has many new govs. Plus new alien ship. Download it through Starlight . It is worth it I promise.


Where can I find the Starlight Server?

"Let it go. If it comes back, it was meant to be. If it doesn't, HUNT IT DOWN, AND KILL IT!!!"