The Kestrel Trader "Matt Burch"...

...or something like that, that ship is invincible since I have a pitol in a cheat plug and a pilot in the original version I've tried to kill the bastard and I can't even make his shields go down!!! I decided to buy 10 forklifts and its shields went down to 98% and went up again real fast, Im wondoring if any of you killed him.

and about that I killed Captain Hector thing it can be right, when you shoot a forklift at him it goes right throught him, it dosent even explode.

Mess with the best , Die
like the rest..

Now dont go calling _Syntax a bastard.... =p

tear it down

Nexus: You need other things to shoot at...

what is to give light must endure burning

if you really want bounty hunters on your back, get the supernova plug. it took like 10 of 'em and he was off in his escape pod. about hector, either blow a ship up next to him or get him in the proximity blast of anything against an asteroid. that should do it.

"what do you call a boomerang that don't come back?"
"a stick."

(url="http://"")()rion Productions(/url)
~ Robin ( (url="http://"")


Nexus wrote:
**...or something like that, that ship is invincible since I have a pitol in a cheat plug and a pilot in the original version I've tried to kill the bastard and I can't even make his shields go down!!! I decided to buy 10 forklifts and its shields went down to 98% and went up again real fast, Im wondoring if any of you killed him.

and about that I killed Captain Hector thing it can be right, when you shoot a forklift at him it goes right throught him, it dosent even explode.


I haven't killed him. His shields are the maximum for any ship in the game... that is very, very high. It's cause Matt Burch is the writer of the game and he made himself a very powerful person... He also has like 16 lightnings = )


I've killed him. Very easily, in fact. Of course, not with any weapons in the original game. My friend made a plugin that gave me s Sovereign-class starship with photon torpedoes and phasers. That did the trick in about 8-10 seconds.

We come in peace, shoot to kill, shoot to kill, shoot to kill...


Obormot wrote:
**I've killed him. Very easily, in fact. Of course, not with any weapons in the original game. My friend made a plugin that gave me s Sovereign-class starship with photon torpedoes and phasers. That did the trick in about 8-10 seconds.


I haven't killed him without cheating... Unlike you = )



I haven't killed him without cheating... Unlike you = )

Cheating? Of course not. 😉 It was a good, honest, plugin, with that warship costing 100 million credits. Of course, I got that money by using a cheat plug... but anyway, that was 2 years ago, I don't cheat anymore.

We come in peace, shoot to kill, shoot to kill, shoot to kill...

The easiest way to kill him is to use EV-Edit to change his shields. Than you can take him out like a normal Kestral, or make him weaker than a normal kestral.

"There is no prostitution in China; however, we do have some women who make love for money"

-Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson


Yahoo Messenger:OctoberFost

Just use plugins like Final Battle or EVGE to kill him or cheat with a forklift. 🙂 🙂 🙂 😛

Your waiting in line,
a very long line,
That's when you pull out
your Magnum 357 and blast
your way to the front

Nexus said:

"and about that I killed Captain Hector thing it can be right, when you shoot a forklift at him it goes right throught him, it dosent even explode."

i've done that one---you gotta shoot something NEAR him with a forklift--the exposion takes 'em both out



Jericon wrote:
**I haven't killed him. His shields are the maximum for any ship in the game... that is very, very high. It's cause Matt Burch is the writer of the game and he made himself a very powerful person... He also has like 16 lightnings = )


lesse, 'scuse me but take your 16 and take the 1 out!Matt burch has six (which is still under the category "crapload")aint that right Matt. C'mon Matt back me up man!

dont hurt the confed but board the dead