Anyone playing Quantumire-Return?

I've been trying to play it for the last couple of weeks. My Mac won't load it because it says I should allocate more memory to EV. I've allocated as much as 80 megs with or without RamDoubler, or with or without Virtual Memory. I can only go as high as 30-35 megs physical RAM because my Performa is maxed out at 64M and I'm running 8.6.



You might try disabling all uneeded extensions - the plug should work fine, but try it...

Graphics. Games. And more...
(url="http://"")Meowx Design Studios(/url)

Well, I tried to play it. I had no problems with memory and didn't have to turn any extensions.
Though I had planty problems with plug-in itself. First everything goes well, then at some point you suddenly jave the "Public Enemy" status in Levo system and can't get any missions. I think it was after exploring the first portal or later. OK, I fixed some stuff with EV Edit and continued playing. Next I got to the mission where I have to place an agent on Kron. On Kron you get cought, been told to go to Pir. Cowe to get some stuff which wilfix your record with Kron. OK, whatever, I did that, went back to Kron to get this guys missions (as I was told) and got nothing. Now, that's kind of frustrating. So, I took the back up pilot and continued the feds missions and then I finally got to the mission where I have to get this agent back to Levo. However, there was no flag on the map showing the direction for this mission and when I got to Kron nothing happened. That's it. At this point I stopped playing Return. David, I hope you read this. I would have send this report before, but I'm just really busy looking for a job, and it's not the fun for the foreigner to do in Japan.
Yeah, by the way, Kron ships are preatty cool looking.


Thanks for the report, Slav, I'll see what I can do. And was it the plug itself that wouldn't let you load? If it was, tell me what you did to fix it. Thanks a lot for the bug report, I appreciate it!

Graphics. Games. And more...
(url="http://"")Meowx Design Studios(/url)