How do you get rid of escorts?

I have some escorts that I want to get rid of... how do I do it other than sending them to die against bigger ships.


Hold option when you cycle through the targets that are in the system; when you target one of your escorts, hail it, and there is a button that says something along the lines of "release from contract" or something (its been a while).


Talk to them. You can choose to dismiss them. (option targeting will target your escorts i think)

Yeah, which is exactly what I said. 😛


Hmm.. No 'RTFM's.. You guys are getting soft.

Small animal kamikaze attack on power supplies

Could I have an order of Discboard with that?


Cpt_Kolath wrote:
I have some escorts that I want to get rid of... how do I do it other than sending them to die against bigger ships.

If all else fails, RTFM.

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

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"You believe what's written in that thing?! I was probably drunk at the time."
-Matt Burch

I normally get them dead by sitting behind them and going back and forth so they take all the damage. I am mean but, I like to get them dead, rather then let them go for free.

Tis the life I tell ya

Evil will always triamph over good... because good is dumb.

(for those that play UO, fill in chaos with evil, and order with good 🙂 )

whats rftm??

dont hurt the confed but board the dead

Read The ****ing Manual.

Nuff said, no?


Small animal kamikaze attack on power supplies

Could I have an order of Discboard with that?