Im practecly new to everything in this message board and need help with a few things:

How can you guys do so well in EV, the only way i can progress is with a cheat plug and consience is killing me

and now that I got galactic scourge its even harder with so much new stuff

Thank you for your time

Mess with the best , Die
like the rest..

What do you meen how do we do so well?Oh and don't fell bad about cheats,i used to do them all the time,if you just play it long enough you will just get good at it.

Lance,Captain of the White Swan.

You must have the crippling combination of not having read the docs and having bad reflexes and business sense - EV is the easiest game I know. Simply spend hours making dough in the beginning to get out of that shuttle, then work your way up.

Cheating is below most players here, since most people don't really need a crutch to play well.

"Be quiet. I'm inspiring you."
-my Spanish teacher

I got used to playing EV in a little under an hour. I think if you can't, you must have extremly bad hand/eye co-ordination, or just completly suck at EV (and i apologise to anyone who actually does have bad hand/eye co-ordination)
Just do what cold fusion said

Fear is not owning a baseball bat
Fear is also when a guy pulls the bat out of your hands and throws it behind him grinning
THATS when you run!

The easiest way to rule at EV is to be a pirate. I am a sucessful pirate. The defender is one good ship to use when plundering. The defender excells at plundering: Courier, Argosy, Clipper, Shuttleship, Light freighter and others. Don't try to get rid of a defender with a defender, though, it took me an eternity to do that. 🙂

You probably should cheat when you first start. But as you get better you begin to get bored. I have chosen a good order of buying ships. Shuttle->Scoutship->Argosy->Rapier->Corvette->Kestrel->(any govenment ships)

This normally takes about 1 hour if I do it right, and I am lucky. Once I get the Argosy, I begin killing anything that moves, well keeping good ratings in the systems. Best place to hang out in is Darven, lots of pirate ships, which do nothing but give you good ratings. They give good money to. I use Heavy rockets manly, pick off ships well they are out of the screen. If you perfer long rang, I use Torp's, the cheapest and deadliest. Just keep moving back and the dumb AI of the EV ships will follow in a streight line.

Once I get a Military ship, I take over all the planets, and then that is the point I delete the pilot and restart.

Evil will always triamph over good... because good is dumb.

(for those that play UO, fill in chaos with evil, and order with good 🙂 )


Nexus wrote:
**Im practecly new to everything in this message board and need help with a few things:

How can you guys do so well in EV, the only way i can progress is with a cheat plug and consience is killing me

and now that I got galactic scourge its even harder with so much new stuff

Thank you for your time

Here is the thing with Galactic Scourge, do lots of missions. They tend to pay well, the will allow you to buy (discounted) military ships and outfits and they tend to start out easy and get harder. Do trading and peaceful missions for a while, but if you get too much cash and buy a huge ship without the practice or experience then the missions will seem dull, then suddenly very hard. The GS readme says all this. Also in Galactic Scourge, there are lots of different weapons and ships, bigger isn't always best for the job (I'd rather have a Sentinel than a Crusiser against a PT Boat and Fighter mines are called that for a reason). However, there are a number of big random nasty fleets, this is why we disabled the strict rules button (you can buy an autoeject and an escape pod if you want to be a hero). So if a Pirate Army squadron jumps in and nukes your courier, don't be too sad.

Also, with a cheat plug you will never develop the practice you need and your victories will be as empty as space.


