Let's get EV multiplayer happening!!!

Ok, people. EV is a great game. We all know that. But it's so old, and we need something to breathe new life into it. Is there anyone who could organize an online petition saying "Yes, we want a new Escape Velocity game with Multiplayer and Arena modes, new graphics, a new universe(?) and if we got it we would register!!!" and then send it to Ambrosia?

Does that seem like a good idea? EV is the perfect MP style, after all.

#29 on the Periodic Table

It has been tried to get a Mutli Player EV/O, but no matter what extent people go to, (Writing letters to Ambrosia, Making their own EVMP or designing a web page for it) it never works. If we could get sombody to commit to that, and not give up. It might work, but I don't think it will ever catch on. It isn't popular enough. It is popular, but not enough. :frown:

Zaphod Beeblebrox


It's worth it.

Well thanks for telling me. I could have guessed it would have been tried already, but I don't want to devote MY time (I do have a life.) Is there anyone?

#29 on the Periodic Table

Why do people keep thinking Ambrosia ISN'T making an EVMP? Have they said they aren't? How do we know right now Ambrosia and/or Matt Burch aren't discussing one?

On a side note, don't petition Ambrosia, they are FULLY AWARE that everyone wants an EVMP, it's just an incredible amount of work that no one either had the time to or wanted to finish YET. Then again... someone might be working on it...

I am seriously worried. I think Ambrosia is on its way out after seeing Ferazel's wand and the fact they made it a commercial game. All I want to see is for them to release the EVMP. It might actually save them by putting them on the shareware track.

#29 on the Periodic Table

(This message has been edited by COpperman (edited 04-01-2000).)


COpperman wrote:
I think Ambrosia is on its way out after seeing Ferazel's wand and the fact they made it a commercial game.

DUH! No one with anything below a T1 line WANTS to d/l an 80 meg file! That is, unless you're insane.

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

Kberg is making an EVMP, look on the developer's corner board. Also, mikee has been spreading rumors about Ambrosia itself making an EVMP engine... but I don't know, kberg's is more certain and sounds way cool.

We come in peace, shoot to kill, shoot to kill, shoot to kill...


Jon Starkey wrote:
**Why do people keep thinking Ambrosia ISN'T making an EVMP? Have they said they aren't? How do we know right now Ambrosia and/or Matt Burch aren't discussing one?

On a side note, don't petition Ambrosia, they are FULLY AWARE that everyone wants an EVMP, it's just an incredible amount of work that no one either had the time to or wanted to finish YET. Then again... someone might be working on it...


Ok, Maybe Ambrosia is DISCUSSING one. But that is probably about it. I really don't think that Ambrosia will end up making one.

Zaphod Beeblebrox


It's worth it.

In a way there IS an online EVO being worked out, Blazer is going to add some really cool feature to his RPG. Don't overwhelm me with questions about it now that I've told you, if you REALLY wanna know more just e-mail Blazer about it.



Life would be good if there was an EVMP. Happiness would reign again. The fishies in the sea would jump for joy, and lots of people would be glued to their computers trying to find the lair of the Pirate King. This may or may not be a good thing, I personally think is.

My uncle is sick, but the highway is green.
