StarLight HLS, The Total Plug-in Archive!

Yes at StarLight Hotline server you can get all of the EV/EVO Plug-ins. All you need is the Hotline Client and the Server IP which you can get here: (url="http://"")http://www.oxy-soft....line-index.html(/url)
You can get Hotline from: (url="http://"")
Have fun.
Kevin out

"The Future Belongs to those who chase after their Dreams.
These Dreams are like the fast winds, Thus you must build a
sail to follow them were ever they lead, For to fear were
they lead is failure!"

Kevin M. Boots

BubbaFish Software:

HotLine Site:
Hotline Name: Space/Time
Admin of StarLight IP:

How do you get to the site in the first place?


Well you put the IP into the Hotline Connection box and hit OK.
The IP: is
Read the Hotline maual it will tell you.
Kevon out

Uh, can you mail me Hotline Client 1.8? I have 1.5, but it informs that it has expired and immediately proceeds to crash. When I try to get 1.8, the Java on the Hotline Software website screws up IE 4.01.

I didn't get a manual with 1.5 either.

"I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, communist subversion, and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."
-Gen. Jack Ripper, Dr. Strangelove

(This message has been edited by ColdFusion (edited 03-22-2000).)

Download The newest Hotline Client here (must have ppc) here (url="http://"")http://www.oxy-soft....hlc_ppc_1.8.hqx(/url)
Kevin out

As of now, the Starlight HL server is the only place to get EVGE.

Out of curiousity - does HL 1.8 require QuickTime 4?

Mike Lee (Firebird)

I doesn't require anything.


Yeah, by the way, are you guys going to update your plug-in archive on a regular basis? There is another archive for EV plug-ins on a Hotline (Mac Gamer Ledge) and they update it once a year, I think.



ColdFusion wrote:
**Uh, can you mail me Hotline Client 1.8? I have 1.5, but it informs that it has expired and immediately proceeds to crash. When I try to get 1.8, the Java on the Hotline Software website screws up IE 4.01.

I didn't get a manual with 1.5 either.


I've had a similar problem with 1.8 but this is a temporary solution=
turn back the date on your computer to before the 16 march and you can still use 1.5

'Stormbringer!' he cried and then the hellsword struck his chest. H e felt the icy touch of the blade against his heart,felt his body constrict,felt it sucking his soul from the very depths of his being,felt his whole personality being drawn into the Runesword.
net](http://mailto:jr.watkins@virgin.<br />

The SL server is constantly updated with lots of files..and lots of plugs get up'd there.. and almost always there is a discussion goin on.. lots of regulars there

I'd highly recomended it to anyone wanting to get more into the 'community' feeling..

IE (url="http://"")



Slav wrote:
**Yeah, by the way, are you guys going to update your plug-in archive on a regular basis? There is another archive for EV plug-ins on a Hotline (Mac Gamer Ledge) and they update it once a year, I think.

I uploaded all the plugs there, so if anyone has a new plug that they just put out, upload it there yourself and then an Admin will put it where it should go.



I uploaded Quantumire Trilogy and Return a couple days ago.



Firebird wrote:
Out of curiousity - does HL 1.8 require QuickTime 4?

Only if you want to take advantage of the MP3 streaming capabilities of HL 1.8. If you don't want those features, you don't need QT4.
