A lot of new an better changes have happened over at the uEVRPG.
Faster game play, as well as new additions to enhance the play.

However most notable have been the story lines created by the players themselfs.
I hope everyone heads over there to at the very least read the great Battle results writen by UE Crusader. he has been putting a lot of time an effort into writeing them.
To get to his storys hit the link on the main page for the historic battle posts.

While your over there take a look around an if you want to start playing sign up an make a post on the board.
to those of you who have signed up an have yet started to play. Please begin playing. This game has come a long way from when Scurvy ran it. many new things have been implemented into the game an it really isnt the same as when he had it.

Check it out you wont be disappointed.



Thanks...that makes me feel a lot better ;(

Oh well, its good its propsering...


Reasons why the UE and Voinians hate each other...
€Voinians prefer SPAM, while the UE likes SPAM light....
€The heads of both governments were trying to figure out which wife was
€Tomato, Tom'aaa'to, is there a difference? Aparantly so...
€Two Voinians accused the UE of using IBM computers...
€A UE Cruiser accidentally blew up a Voinian planet...
€Two words: name calling