I am officially retiring...

Hello fellow EVers,
Now that I think back to it, I've been with the EV community for about two and a half years now, and the game for about three. I remember back when it was fun to help out new guys just coming in, and to be helped with problems I had. Like one time when I had this problem with EVO, I would launch EVO, create a new pilot, then try to hyper jump, my ship would keep flying until it hit the invisible wall, as if it were still hyper jumping. Then one guy thought it might be a memory problem, and it was. Another time, I introduced my friend to EV, and he had it on PC, and couldn't get the emulator to work, again someone fixed my problem.
You know what, I wouldn't be what I am today if it wasn't for EV. I've learned how to make graphics, how to do HTML, how to navigate on the internet, how to program, how to use resEDIT. This game has taught me so much, and I love it to death.
But sadly, there is a ending to everything. And now that I've read that old post by Captain Scurvy talking about this "new board", I realize EV really is dead. It's no fun talking on this board, it's too complicated, people act like ######s, there's too many rules, and spam isn't allowed. It's things as small as why can't we just have a sig? Huh? Why? Is it really gonna hurt anybody? Well I don't wanna start bitching on that :).
Another thing I'd like to bring up is the whole thing on how Andrew is responsible for EV, the EV Disc Board, and everything I use to hold dear, and how he has the right to take away that board, game, whatever, whenever he wants... Well I've got an analogy for you. Let's say God is real, and that all of a sudden he thinks "well I don't want people to live anymore so I'm going to take all of their lives". Is that really fare? Hell no. Yes Andrew had every right taking away the board, the ev site, but it doesn't mean I don't have a right to be mad at his stupid decision.
This is for you newbies: THERE IS NO EV FOR PC! GET A MAC! MAC'S ARE FREAKIN AWESOME, SO DON'T EVEN START ARGUING ABOUT IT. If you have any other questions feel free to ask :).
Now I want to start thanking people. Anyone who's ever helped any problem of mine, held a conversation with me, listened to my crap, I just wanted to say thank you, and I hope you live a good life. Some people in particular are, Mikee J (Soviet), that kick ass graphics designer Mathew Dailey (who inspired me to start making graphics), Captain Scurvy, Jericon (Stinger), BB808, and anyone else I have forgotten about.
Well it's time to end this sucker. This will be my last post (I may reply to replys on this topic). I request that you don't move this to the Banter board andrew, because this is not Spam, it's my retirement.

Good bye all, live long and prosper :).

I would post my damn sig but it's not allowed :.

If you wanna see it, it's (url="http://"http://members.aol.com/comgeek7/pictures/whiteshadowsig.gif")http://members.aol.c...teshadowsig.gif(/url) .

Jeremy Woodruff as,

(This message has been edited by Jeremy Woodruff (edited 03-15-2000).)

Realize that DiscBoard was as buggy as hell, and that UBB is simpler for newbies.


"Je deteste Wyndoze!"

Join #darksouls.mac on SorceryNet!

Actually, I've been on some other UBB boards, and having gigantic signatures is one of the things that are bad for UBB. I don't know the exact way UBB works, but for some reason gigantic signatures (especially pictures) tend to rupture it, especially when they are used multiple times on each topic.

Besides, they're a pain to load.

"I don't say yes or no, more like the other way around"

Ankh Starrunner, The Diamond Blaster

Dear Jeremy,

As a newcomer to EV I have only been reading these posts for a few weeks, still, I'd like to express my thanks for all of the time and interest you've given in support of a great game. It's people like you who help make the gaming experience a positive one.

Have a great "retirement." 🙂

Best wishes.

Burbank, CA

This would be the time for one of my old "holier than thou" speeches on how EV/O is doing and all that, but you took that spot already.

It's been a blast with you Whiteshadow, and I wish you the best in the future.


Screw those speeches, this is starting to really piss me off. Why couldn't Ambrosia just leave us be?!!? I don't care about security risks and that BS, how about letting HH and Jericon take care of it?! This is why we had elections for another admin, to take care of the problems, we didn't need you to come here and put us into a rubber room of sorts!!


<center><font color="#8E00D5" face="Gadget" size="3"><b>The never duplicated, never capitalized, and always puce: </b></font>
<a href="http://forge.tsx.org" onMouseOver='window.status="Amo Vi-Um, the best Latin phrase"; return true' onMouseOut='window.status=""; return true'><img src= "http://www.geocities.com/rdrejer/pics/discboardname.jpg" border="0"></a></center>

<center><font color="#8E00D5" face="Gadget" size="3"><b>He Whose Soul Is "forge"d In The Depths Of Hell: </b></font>
<a href="http://forge.tsx.org" onMouseOver='window.status="forge: Evil Incarnate"; return true' onMouseOut='window.status=""; return true'><img src= "http://www.geocities.com/rdrejer/pics/smileyname.jpg" border="0"></a></center>

<font color= "#333333" face="Gadget" size="4">f<font color="#4E4E4E">o<font color="#666666">r<font color="#7E7E7E">g<font color="#999999">e</font>

<font color= "#333333" face="Phenix American" size="4">f<font color="#4E4E4E">o<font color="#666666">r<font color="#7E7E7E">g<font color="#999999">e</font>

<font color="#131313" face="Gadget" size="4">forge</font>

In case you never saw, some of the oldies still hang out at (url="http://"http://blazer.his.com/cgi-bin/robboard/index.cgi")Blazer's Board(/url). Andy's (The good old Andy from the DiscBoard days) posted a few times :).

Micah L , (url="http://"mailto:mjlanier@home.com")mailto:mjlanier@home.com(/url)mjlanier@home.com


Andrew M wrote:
**Realize that DiscBoard was as buggy as hell, and that UBB is simpler for newbies.

Bugs? What bugs? Sure, maybe sometimes you would have one message shared by two posts, but that was rare. Sure, it may not have been completely Y2k compliant, but we all knew what year it was, and, as I recall, the problem got fixed towards the end of the board's "life".
As for UBB being simple; how so? Its just as complex as HTML, except not nearly as powerful; you can't use UBB anywhere other than here (unlike HTML, which is, well, HTML!); I don't see how UBB is simpler.


andrew's gonna close this- just wait and see.


"No, the cheese is gross. Eddie walking round with his pants down is normal."

AIM: EVBasilisk

Hmm. That speech by Jeremy (i refrain from calling him whiteshadow because i get the feeling that was his OLD name) really moved me. I can't say much, except for:


Having said that, I feel much better.

Three years and my pizza still isn't here.

Maybe I should call.

Jeez, look what you people did. Jeremy was trying to say goodbye, and we're getting into the same old old board/new board debate. Just respect his leaving and wish him the best.

I really wish you would stop bitching about the boards. If you don't like this board, go to Blazers, if you like this one, have fun.

Jeremy, godspeed. Of course we can still chat on IM 😉


Thank you Gant. I hope you have as much fun as I did. People may wonder why some of us take EV so seriously, well, believe it or not it has taught me soo much. Hell, I might not even be into Mac's so much if it wasn't for EV. And I'm sure I wouldn't know as much as I do now.

I had a good time too Forge, it was nice while it lasted. Yes, the old board was a lot better in my opinion... it wasn't so "official", so "watched over", it was just a place to hang out, talk about life's problems, talk about EV, talk about games, it was just cool. And it's too late to get back... unless andrew gets his crap together, realizes that EV is dead, and just gives us the board back. I mean what's the point of having a site and not using it? If he does decide to bring the community back, I might decide to return, but for now it's just too lame.

Micah L-
From what I've seen you've been a great help to EV players, keep it up. You seem like a really good person.

You've always showed leadership skills, and are a great guy. You're gonna do great in life buddy. It was nice meeting you.

I remember when you came to the EV board. Nobody listened to your opinions, except me :), sometimes you just have to ignore them. You're a cool guy.

Well Maridian, I actually have always gone by Jeremy Woodruff (my real name 🙂 ), it was actually an accident, back when I joined up with the old board, I put my name as the alias, thinking that's where your real name was suppose to go, so, I just stayed with it. White Shadow was just something I came up with about a year later. And if you're ever on places like Game Ranger, you'll see me around, I'm gonna be sticking with this alias for a while. Nice talking to you.

Captain Scurvy-
Reguardless of what people said, you did just fine as webmaster. Who cares if you rarely updated, at least you were there. Not only are you a good administrator... but you're also a great guy. (BTW, that last update stunk 🙂 ).

Later guys.

Jeremy Woodruff as,


Jeremy Woodruff wrote:
You've always showed leadership skills, and are a great guy. You're gonna do great in life buddy. It was nice meeting you.

Thanks a bunch, man. I love compliments. 😉
Oh, and sorry for not saying goodbye in my post above; I got a little preoccupied. 😉 I hope you have fun in whatever you get mixed up in next.


Oh damn. I just go for a few days and everything goes to hell. Actually, just Jeremy leaves this community, but that is more than enough.

Most unfortunately I did not get enough time to know him as well as I would have wished to, and even though he is (was) a very patriotic Rebel, I really did like his way of speaking and defending his beliefs in what he though was a good cause.

I also liked the way you expressed your ideas on that "final goodbye" speech. However, I must admit something: when I read that it reminded me of my Mathemathics proffessor, you two sound really similar.

Well Jeremy, farewell, and may the Force be with you. I just hope you do not motivate other players to leave this board. I would really dislike someone like Basilisk or EVula leaving this god forsaken place.

In the end, the Confederation will win, for the moronic AI helps their superiorly shielded ships.

I would never do such a thing. I think that the EV Board and game is a great place/thing for people who enjoy it. I just don't find that what's going on right now to fit my needs/wants. I hope you, and everyone else stay as long as they desire, and enjoy it to it's fullest. Because it is a great place to be.

It was nice while it lasted. Oh and BTW, I just remembered...I'm going to stop making graphics for EV. Yeah, I wasn't too good at it :), but I got some replys on people wanting to use them. I guess now, anyone that wants to use them, feel free to drop me a line, and I'll send ya what I got. (url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/TimesSqaure/Bridge/6896/")http://www.geocities...re/Bridge/6896/(/url)

Jeremy Woodruff as,

We don't really know each other all that well, but so what. 🙂

Good luck Jeremy, I wish you well in your endeavors. I've considered one of the better oldies around the EV community ever since I first came around a couple years back, and that's no lie.

Fare you well.

UE Crusader


Oh geez, that should read "I consider you one of the better oldies...."

Oh what the hell you know what I meant. 🙂


Hell, I really ought to read this board more! I tend to concentrate on the one I moderate 😕

Anyway, Jeremy, have a great time, you seem to be a good guy 🙂


Moderator, EV Developer's Corner.
Roses are red
Violets are blue.
I'm schizophrenic
And so am I.

website: [www.jpw.op.nu

](http://www.jpw.op.nu "External link")

Thanks for letting me know in advance, Jerry. I check out for a week and things go south.

Send me a line, friend. Tell me what's next.

The Triumvirate will miss you. Hell, you were the Triumvirate. It seems I'm going to have some soulsearching to do.

See you around, Jerry! The world is a big place, and you have my e-mail address!

Viva White Shadow

Triumvirate forever!

KIRK: Very funny, Scotty - now beam down my clothes!


Jeremy Woodruff wrote:
**Hello fellow EVers,
Now that I think back to it, I've been with the EV community for about two and a half years now, and the game for about three. I remember back when it was fun to help out new guys just coming in, and to be helped with problems I had. Like one time when I had this problem with EVO, I would launch EVO, create a new pilot, then try to hyper jump, my ship would keep flying until it hit the invisible wall, as if it were still hyper jumping. Then one guy thought it might be a memory problem, and it was. Another time, I introduced my friend to EV, and he had it on PC, and couldn't get the emulator to work, again someone fixed my problem.
You know what, I wouldn't be what I am today if it wasn't for EV. I've learned how to make graphics, how to do HTML, how to navigate on the internet, how to program, how to use resEDIT. This game has taught me so much, and I love it to death.
But sadly, there is a ending to everything. And now that I've read that old post by Captain Scurvy talking about this "new board", I realize EV really is dead. It's no fun talking on this board, it's too complicated, people act like ######s, there's too many rules, and spam isn't allowed. It's things as small as why can't we just have a sig? Huh? Why? Is it really gonna hurt anybody? Well I don't wanna start bitching on that :).
Another thing I'd like to bring up is the whole thing on how Andrew is responsible for EV, the EV Disc Board, and everything I use to hold dear, and how he has the right to take away that board, game, whatever, whenever he wants... Well I've got an analogy for you. Let's say God is real, and that all of a sudden he thinks "well I don't want people to live anymore so I'm going to take all of their lives". Is that really fare? Hell no. Yes Andrew had every right taking away the board, the ev site, but it doesn't mean I don't have a right to be mad at his stupid decision.
This is for you newbies: THERE IS NO EV FOR PC! GET A MAC! MAC'S ARE FREAKIN AWESOME, SO DON'T EVEN START ARGUING ABOUT IT. If you have any other questions feel free to ask :).
Now I want to start thanking people. Anyone who's ever helped any problem of mine, held a conversation with me, listened to my crap, I just wanted to say thank you, and I hope you live a good life. Some people in particular are, Mikee J (Soviet), that kick ass graphics designer Mathew Dailey (who inspired me to start making graphics), Captain Scurvy, Jericon (Stinger), BB808, and anyone else I have forgotten about.
Well it's time to end this sucker. This will be my last post (I may reply to replys on this topic). I request that you don't move this to the Banter board andrew, because this is not Spam, it's my retirement.

Good bye all, live long and prosper :).

I would post my damn sig but it's not allowed :.

If you wanna see it, it's http://members.aol.c...teshadowsig.gif .

damn, didn't see that one coming, later man, and i want my OS8 cd back...I'll get one of these days... it's about time for some kickassness, tho... MY band, anti-human, is working on some ****, and we'll try to get down to portland after next skool year. (when I'm outta this bits!)

look for some seriously disfunctional music to go up on a website related to me... (what format should i use???)

Rick tha **** enters the Amazing Maze, cuz

bitch, yousa hoe, and hoe yousa bits!

yeah, it's ICP, hoo else?

holy ass, everyone get the primer 55 cd, it's extra cool. he he. especially track 55, yeah.

if n-e-1 wants to talk to me, email me, i hate this board, it's not friendly to my 7500/75. grr.




hey russ,

haven't seen you around, on aim or the board... when the hell are you going to pick up this cd!!!? i feel so bad dude, you were suppose to get it weeks ago.


Jeremy Woodruff as,