
After several irritating hours of toil, I have FINALLY created a plug-in! Actually, now I have 3 done. Here are their descriptions:

•Destroyer Bay - adds the Confederation Destroyer Heavy Fighter (available only in fighter bay form), and of course its bay. Only available after the Confed Alien missions, and still ocsts a bundle, but well worth it - Destroyers have Proton Turrets, torps, and a particle beam (ooh, ahh...).

•Sting and Hive - another fighter bay. The "Sting" light fighter has low shields and only a few cannons, but is incredibly fast and cheap. A Sting bay (aka "Hive") can hold up to 12 of these.

•Who wants to be a Billionaire? - please excuse the uncreative title. Multiplies payment for almost all missions by 1000!

Well, that's all for now (though I'm also working on an Ultimate Death Star plug-in, and a plug that reduces planetary defense fleets). If you want one for some reason, post a reply w/ email address (if not included with your profile) and I'll email you a copy of the plug(s) you request (will be sent in .sit format, must be unstuffed with Stuffit Expander).

P.S. I kept encountering a problem, where some (or, in some cases, all) of the ships' graphics in EV were replaced with those of another ship (once, every ship's onscreen graphic had been replaced with a Confed Frigate; another time, some smaller craft - Gunboats, plus some stuff from my own plugs - were replaced with Couriers or light freighters).

I tried several things to alleviate the problems, from reinstalling the EV Data, Graphics, etc. to redoing the graphics in my plugs. Finally, I removed the "TMPL" resources from the plug-ins in ResEdit, and that solved the problem!

I was wondering if anyone else had ever encountered a problem like this, or if it was just some sort of freak occurance.

P.P.S. Because of this potential problem, I won't be releasing the plug-ins on the Ambrosia download site until I figure out what's wrong. If you haven't ever heard of the problem, and it's something else wrong with my plugs, then tell me and I'll e-mail a copy to you for bug testing (I'm not an experienced plug-in creator, so I might have missed something).

P.P.P.S. I CANNOT DRAW, and thus, graphics for the fighter bay plug-ins are horrible. Destroyers are just Hawks with a dark tint, and Stings are escape pods with badly drawn wings. You have been warned.

My famous lunchroom quote:
"Stop it or I'll attempt to throw this milk carton at you! I'll miss, but I'll blame anything it does hit on you!"


ConfusedGuy wrote:
I removed the "TMPL" resources from the plug-ins in ResEdit, and that solved the problem!

You don't have to have the TMPL resource in your plug and still be able to read EV-specific resources. Open up a file that has the EV TMPLs in it, and copy the entire resource (the big icon). Then, open up your ResEdit preferences file in your Preferences folder. Paste the TMPL resource, and save the file. Voila, you will have EV TMPLs forever.


Thanks, but that wasn't my problem.

I'm still not sure if the TMPL resource is what caused the glitches, and I was wondering if anyone had encountered a similar problem before.

"The only thing we have to fear is Disney being bought by Bill Gates (or Microsoft being bought by Dumbo the Elephant, same difference)"
If sheep had wings, and dogs had horns, then I wouldn't be typing this.

Check you spin resources, you may have typed in a couple wrong numbers, but I don't know what the templates did. Unless you messed with the tepmplates in the first place, they couoldn't be your problem 🙂

Joshua Jackson
AKA: Jak205
AIM: Jak205 Takitman JJEDIJ

"Life is a donut, get eating" Unkown

Well, I KNOW I have the spins and the PICTs linked correctly, that's not the problem.
In fact, when I put TMPL resources into the "Fighter Bays Galore" plugs, the same thing happened (and I don't think I did anything to the TMPLs).
Regardless, the problems haven't come up, so I won't worry about them too much. If you want a copy of any of my plugs, email me.

"The only thing we have to fear is Disney being bought by Bill Gates"

Can ANYBODY SHOW ME WHERE A GOOD DRAWING PROGRAM IS(That works with EV-Editer(I CAN'T use resedit)) Otherwise I have to be cheap and steal graphics for plug-ins.

(This message has been edited by sncatc (edited 03-22-2000).)


ConfusedGuy wrote:
P.S. I kept encountering a problem, where some (or, in some cases, all) of the ships' graphics in EV were replaced with those of another ship (once, every ship's onscreen graphic had been replaced with a Confed Frigate; another time, some smaller craft - Gunboats, plus some stuff from my own plugs - were replaced with Couriers or light freighters)....

I was wondering if anyone else had ever encountered a problem like this, or if it was just some sort of freak occurance.

This is a common and well-known problem caused by insufficient memory (or in a few cases too much memory). It is corrected by allocating more memory to the EV application.

When you add resources with a plug-in, you increase the amount of data that must be stored in memory; a large plug may not load at all until the EV app is given sufficient memory, smaller plugs may load but display the ship substitutions you describe. Just give the program more memory until things straighten out - increasing a MB at a time is a good quick method.


Thanks - I was worried something waa really wrong with my plugs. By the way, the 3 finished plugs are ready for download at the Starlight HotLine server (though minor changes may be made in the future), or you can ask for them (from ME, who else) by e-mail.

"The only thing we have to fear is Disney being bought by Bill Gates"

That problem with your graphics may also be caused by RamDoubler8, which I have loaded on my Performa. I sometimes remove it or just turn off that extension/comtrol panel.


I've found that chucking the preferances file while upping the ammount of RAM cures more of the replacement problems than just giving the program the RAM alone. You'll have to reset your keys, volume, and other customized attributes but if it works, it'll be well worth it.