planet takeover

how do you takeover planets? do you demand tribute and keep killing all the ships sent or some other way? plz don't hesatate to tell me 🙂

"Kill all you can kill, destroy all you can destroy" Com.Protoss, StarCraft lord

Yes, you just demand tribute and keep destroying all the ships that come. Once you destroy them all, demand tribute again.



downloadthegame wrote:
**how do you takeover planets? do you demand tribute and keep killing all the ships sent or some other way? plz don't hesatate to tell me:)

You cannot "take over" planets in the sense that you can control them in any way. You can dominate planets, which means you can always land there and that they pay you a certain number of credits "tribute" each day. To dominate a planet, demand tribute and when the defense fleet attacks you destroy all the ships, then demand tribute again.


OK... here's a nasty cheating way to get lots of cash from planets very quickly.
What you do is get 35 escorts.(To do this, get a kestrel, disable another kestrel, disable the lightnings and drag them into the kestrel with a tractor beam. Then board the kestrel and get the lightnings. Do this until you have 35 of them.)Launch them all and demand tribute! The planet will give over without a fight!

Confeds will always win every combat.