Mass Expansion glitch

I just recently started playing EV after a couple years of EV/O, & have noticed that the Mass Expansion outfit hasn't worked in the 3 plugins I've tried: Pale, Galactic Scourge, & Empire. The ships have plenty of cargo space for overhauling, I have plenty of credits, but the "Buy" button won't appear!

Is my copy of EV corrupted, or is this something that others have noticed? Help! It's really bugging me, 'cuz I really like to modify huge clumsy freighters into giant weapons of mass destruction! 😛



Pale designer has deliberately de-activated the Mass Expansion facility in his plug. I presume the others have done the same.


Ah, I understand.

But wouldn't it have been cleaner just to remove that outfit altogether? 😕


"I dreamt I was a butterfly, but when I awoke, I thought I might actually be a butterfly, dreaming that I was a man."
-- Chuang-tze (330 BCE)

With respect to Galactic Scourge (and Pale as well). There are a few ships which cannot be mass expanded. In GS, we generally will warn you if a ship cannot be expanded, the Tick for example:
"The massive 4,540 ton capacity of this automated ship is as impressive as the 1000 robotic cargo loaders and the 100 jump range. Your local Tick reseller suggests that you can disable the autopilot and control the ship from Cargo Hold 283. S/he also indicates that terrestrial mass expansions may not work on a peaceful trading vessel of this kind. You wonder why a "peaceful trading vessel" like this would require such thick armor."
Most other ships can be freely expanded. Perhaps it is your copy of EV.

As far as the strategy of turning a freighter into a warship...well it's your credit chip, you can spend it as you like.




IonStorm wrote:
As far as the strategy of turning a freighter into a warship...well it's your credit chip, you can spend it as you like.

Well, it's not really a strategy, but more of a neurosis. 🙂


"I dreamt I was a butterfly, but when I awoke, I thought I might actually be a butterfly, dreaming that I was a man."
-- Chuang-tze (330 BCE)

Sorry guys, but you obviuosly have NO FREAKIN' IDEA WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!
Sorry, that's oldbie talk. 😉

Anyway, with your problem, there's this wonderful little thing in the ship resource that lets you disable the ship's ability to use mass expansions. Not a problem with EV, but a deliberate thing the plug builder did to keep you from buying a hundred bajillion of everything, what with the amount of space on a Tick.


"The way to a man's heart is through is chest"
-Aaron Allston

All hail the Keeper Of Souls, owner of all things true!

Sorry guys, but you obviuosly have NO FREAKIN' IDEA WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!
Sorry, that's oldbie talk. 😉

Anyway, with your problem, there's this wonderful little thing in the ship resource that lets you disable the ship's ability to use mass expansions. Not a problem with EV, but a deliberate thing the plug builder did to keep you from buying a hundred bajillion of everything, what with the amount of space on a Tick. Get a REAL ship, not some 'freightory-thing'. THEN go blow something up.


"The way to a man's heart is through is chest"
-Aaron Allston

All hail the Keeper Of Souls, owner of all things true!


KeeperOfS wrote:
**Sorry guys, but you obviuosly have NO FREAKIN' IDEA WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!
Sorry, that's oldbie talk. 😉

Excuse me? I am the one who designed the Tick. Yes, I gave it a negative mass for the reason you stated. However, that is not the case with most of the other ships in Galactic Scourge. If Xopher is having trouble with them, then his version of EV, or GS has become corrupt. I don't know about Empire, but Pale has a large number of ships with negative cargo space (Wight, SBD, etc.) so trouble there is not necessarily diagnostic.

Xopher, have you tried to buy a courier or light freighter and mass expand it in standard EV or in Galactic Scourge?




IonStorm wrote:
**Xopher, have you tried to buy a courier or light freighter and mass expand it in standard EV or in Galactic Scourge?

Y'know, that idea occured to me as well. It's Pale that I mostly experienced this in, & always with custom ships (they look cooler than the standard EV ships, that's why I buy them. It's all about form over function).

I think my courier in GS has Mass Expansions enabled, so it must be Empire that is giving me the grief. I'll play some more GS, though, & give you a shout if I notice any problems. Thanks for the feedback.


"I dreamt I was a butterfly, but when I awoke, I thought I might actually be a butterfly, dreaming that I was a man."
-- Chuang-tze (330 BCE)

Hey Ionstorm:

I've been playing GS for the last 5 hours nonstop -- what an excellent plugin! And guess what? No problems at all with Mass Expansions -- sorry to have maligned such a work of art. :redface:


"I dreamt I was a butterfly, but when I awoke, I thought I might actually be a butterfly, dreaming that I was a man."
-- Chuang-tze (330 BCE)


Xopher wrote:
**Hey Ionstorm:

I've been playing GS for the last 5 hours nonstop -- what an excellent plugin! And guess what? No problems at all with Mass Expansions -- sorry to have maligned such a work of art. :redface:

Thank you. It is always nice to meet a fan 😉

Oh, did you d/l the latest (last?) bug fix. There was an error in the Rebel alien mission string, that didn't allow you to get the last three missions (alien egg, alien baby, Enpress' Decree) of that series. It should be version 1.4.2.

We strive for a bug free product. As always, if you happen to find a bug you get your own personality (in the game).

