EV Editors

I noticed no one seems to take any notice to me when I add to a discussion (Could that have something to do with me owning a PC???), so I thought I'd make a topic so i have a chance in hell of someone answering. I just wanted to know if any one has had an EV Editor running through an Emulator. I don't really need to know that I have to buy a mac, just if there is a way I could make a decent plug-in.

If you fly, your a bird
If you swim, your a fish
If you walk, your an idiot.

Yeah it probably has something to do with your owning a pc. Although your grammar is terrible.

So, first it was EV. Now you've got EV, an you want the EDITORS. You just can't be satisfied can you? No, champion just wants more and more! 🙂

Well I don't have to sit and listen to this! Just back off! Leave me alone!

Oh, by the way, get a mac.

Three years and my pizza still isn't here.

Maybe I should call.

Jesus Christ!!!! Settle down now! O.K. I will stop posting every little problem I have on here. And the next person who tells me to buy a mac should either give me $1000 for an imac or SHUT THE HELL UP!!!!!!

Sorry I haven't had much sleep lately

Oh and stop bagging the grammar. This is how i type and this how i will always type and if a problem with that i will blow up your house.

I really haven't had much sleep.

I'll be leaving now......

If you fly, your a bird
If you swim, your a fish
If you walk, your an idiot.

OK, I'll stop bagging the grammar. U r using a pc keyboard after all.


Three years and my pizza still isn't here.

Maybe I should call.

You want a capital. MACS SUCK!!!!

I know i will probably be banished for this but i am bored. And if anyone sends me the money for a MAC (happy???) i'll buy it, drop it out of an aeroplane, and aim for the ambrosia headquarters. After that, if i see Matt Burch walking out of the building, i'll kamikazi his aeroplane into him, ha, what do you think of that, ha. 😛 😛 😛 😛

If you fly, your a bird
If you swim, your a fish
If you walk, your an idiot.

eek! :eek:

Three years and my pizza still isn't here.

Maybe I should call.

Marid, that was very rude. He came on, wanting information about an EV editor and asked that he not be made fun of or told he needs to buy a mac.

His grammer was fine. The only people who should be picked on are ones that put Zs and Xs in words that don't need them, or ones that are giving crap about how they want EV for PC because "mac sux" etc...

champion, no one didn't respond because most of us OWN macs. There are very very few people who make plug-ins that do that using emulators (if there are any).

Though for the price of an emulator you can get a descent Quadra or Centris on eBay... but you didnt come here about that.

Have you tried using an editor? You didn't say you tried and it didn't work... so I am assuming you are to lazy to even try it....
Try explaining what happens if you cant get it to work....

Unix for business
Linux for development
BeOS for media
Mac OS for productivity
Windows for solitaire

Whadda ya mean rude? His grammar is really bad! 🙂

OK. I'll apologise about that. But still. Read half the stuff he put on this board. I mean, read it! It's blasphemy! Sacreligeous! Really bad even!

And back to his grammar (just talking about him behind his back), have u read some of the stuff he's put up elsewhere?

Sorry Champion. Just getting pissed off. Next time be more specific in your topic. I might give a half decent answer.

Three years and my pizza still isn't here.

Maybe I should call.

I'd like to start off by saying sorry to anyone i have offended during the last hour. Alot of my comments were uncalled for and rude.

I think mikee j was right about no one making plugs on emulators (although i have tried Schmelta-V, Res-Edit, and EV-Edit) because anyone that really wanted to probably bought a mac. And you were right about looking on e-bay, the australian site had one for $79 US so the next time you hear from me, it may be from a mac

I would also like to comment on maridians grammar which is about a million times worse than mine. And if you ever have a half decent answer i'll eat my PC

Finishing, i'd like to apologise to Ambrosia Software (still the greatest makers of games there is), Matt Burch (your name was the first one that popped into my head) and Apple (although i stick by my comment of macs suck). 😄 😄 😄

If you fly, your a bird
If you swim, your a fish
If you walk, your an idiot.

Heres what i think of you champion!:p 😛 I should tell matt what you said!

Lance,Captain of the White Swan.

😛 😛 😛

Lance,Captain of the White Swan.

Any one want to make a plug-in where you assasinate a guy named champion??? 😄 😄 😄 🆒


Res-edit works.....I tried EV-Edit, and it didn't (but it don't work well on the best of macs;). I dunno about Schmelta_V or EEEV.

It doesn't really matter anyways, None of the EV editors works completely right and have all the options available that oyu need to start and complete an EV plug. Your best bet is to Download a copy of LoL's EV Bible Anoited Edition and learn Res-Edit.



What Emulator were you using? and to all those other people, can't you just **** off? THIS FIGHT IS OVER!! If you want to make a plug were you kill me, fine. I will make one where I kill YOU! And if you could read, you would notice that I did apoligise to Matt (sorry again) and everyone else. Can't you let topics die?

Fear is not owning a baseball bat