
Sorry to bring up the old 'best ships' topic again, but I thought this might be interesting.

I was wondering what the most common tactic would be around here. Or for the whole thing. Maybe there's a better one. Definitely they're all different.

Anyway, my tactic is: do rush deliveries, doesn't matter where, just do them. And the Emergency Med Sup when it comes along. Upgrade your shuttle with everything that betters performance, until it's worth 500k. Then buy a rapier, do the same thing, and you've got a ship. I usually keep the rapier for the entire game. It rocks!

I really do think this topic is useless, but it'd be nice to see what some people come up with.

Three years and my pizza still isn't here.

Maybe I should call.

Sure, the Rapier is a good ship for it's size, but it can't take down groups of ships like a Corvette, Kestrel, ect. If you get a plot mission, do you hire escorts or capture them?

"Fine! I'll go play with myself! I'LL PLAY WITH MYSELF ALL NIGHT LONG!!" Cartman


Drew4484 wrote:
**Sure, the Rapier is a good ship for it's size, but it can't take down groups of ships like a Corvette, Kestrel, ect. If you get a plot mission, do you hire escorts or capture them?

Really? Then I must be one of the best pilots on the discussion board! 😄

Not meaning to boast, but...ah what the hell. You know that T.A.G mission? How many kestrels are in that? 8, 10? I won that mission in. a. RAPIER! So NER!

No, seriously, give it a shield booster and sheets of tritanium, durasteel and armaplast, then load it with 999 javelin rockets, a missile jammer, and 2 jav launchers, and you've got the most fearsome ship in the game. I took down a confed cruiser with one just last night.

I dare anybody to say otherwise. (of course, if my BATTLE EV idea was made into a game, i could prove just how could it is.)

BTW, all this is friendly. Don't say I'm rude.

Especially YOU, mikee J. 🙂

Three years and my pizza still isn't here.

Maybe I should call.

My tactics are go to Lethe, hire a heap of light frieghters, go to Adhara, Buy a hell of a lot of medical supplies and go back to Lethe and sell them. you can buy the medical stuff at Adhara for 480 credits and sell it for 1100 ( if you get there at the right time, otherwise its 750) A better way of doing this is taking over Bulk Frieghters and using them. With bulk frieghters you make about 1.5 million in two jumps. Then just keep doing that till you have enough to buy whatever ship you want. The only problem is that you need a large outlay for this to work

If you fly, your a bird
If you swim, your a fish
If you walk, your an idiot.


Drew4484 wrote:

**Sure, the Rapier is a good ship for it's size, but it can't take down groups of ships like a Corvette, Kestrel, ect. If you get a plot mission, do you hire escorts or capture them?


I know someone already told you this, but I feel so strongly on this I am just going to have to say this again. Don't diss the Rapier. You can take out a Confederate Crusier with that thing. You must have never flown one. Shame on you.

"You all look like happy campers to me. In fact, you are happy campers. You always have been happy campers. As far as I'm concerned, you'll always be happy campers."

-Dan Quayle on a 1990 state trip to Samolia

Personally, I do rush missiohns until I have about 150,000 then I buy a scoutship. I then usually go to Blackthorne, upgrade my ship, and fight clippers and argosies. I take the money from them, then land and re-arm. It's dangerous, sure, but it's much more fun than doing ordinary missions. After I've got about 1.6 million credits, I buy a Rapier, upgrade through the roof, and start the missions for either the Rebels or the Confeds (If I decide to do Rebel missions I'll also do the Diphidia series of missions- they pay 1 million credits at the end)

Hook up a pair of laser cannons on your shuttlecraft and fly over to one of those Confed systems without any big ships, beat on shuttlecrafts and steal their money until you can buy a defender. Then use the defender to take down bigger ships like light freighters and luxery liners, which pay big $$. You should be able to easily handle the occasional patrol ship that enters, so you're safe in a defender, an escape pod is still a good idea though. From there you'll have enough money for whatever ship you like.

Capn. Culliflower
creater of The Hideout RPG
former leader of Culliflower's Elite - MaG League Warcraft II clan
battle.net starcraft= wahh!!, unloadthegoods

Hmm. I take the old ladder to sucess. Fly round in a shuttle with only a few upgrades, then buy a scoutship, upgrade it, and fly around in that for the longest time, then buy a Corvette, then buy a Kestrel, and finally a Rebel Cruiser. Slow, but effective. I rarely hire escorts, and avoid combat until I have a Corvette.

" The Zaphod Beeblebrox?"

"No, just a Zaphod Beeblebrox; didn't you hear I come in six-packs?"
-The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

here is what i do. 1st i do rush deliveries and passanger ferrying(i try and get a nice route with the abort mission trick). then i buy a scoutship and continue until i can get some nice upgrades and guns, after wich i board and kill pirates. i skip the heavy fighter part and go for a corvette (never buy a ship unless you have at least 200k extra money for upgrades.) now i can kill bigger pirate ships and when i have a deadly combat rating i dominate all the pirate worlds (this was i also get acces to all kinds of cool gadgets they sell there). after this i start either the confed or rebel missions (both like me because of what i did to the pirates. at some point the confeds will dislike me because i've been killing more pirates in the rebel space but dominating pirate worlds usually fixes that) and board the enemy's freighters for money. and before you notice, i'm in a cruiser/kestrel/destroyer/frigate!



I usually get a scoutship ASAP, then do SEVERAL MISSIONS at the same time (the limit is 8, remeber?) Everytime I land and finish a mission, I get another cargo mission to the same general area I'm heading (I hate deadheading, to use an airline term).

And I just love passenger deliveries. 10,000 credits and no cargo space occupied.

It usually takes me about a day and a half to get a Corvette and upgrade it to my usual standards.

Then, I am invincible.


And so long as this topic is EV related, it isn't useless.

KIRK: Very funny, Scotty - now beam down my clothes!

My strategy: have no social life. I've put in over 32 hours of gameplay in 15 days. I did cheat a bit, though - I added a few zeros to the reward for "Black Market Wood" in EV-Edit, and since I'd completed the Alien missions, I bought myself a Confederation Cruiser.
My old corvette took about 8 torpedoes before dying. The Cruiser's shields hardly flinch under a volley of 50 torpedoes at once (I tested this by demanding tribute from Earth, then letting the torps hit me). Just add the essentials (Fuel pods, Ramscoop, IFF Decoder, Escape Pod, etc.), and get the upgrades for turning, acceleration, and speed, and you've got one of the best ships possible!


Well,What I do in the empire plugin is go to New Antugia,i think thats what its called,Anyway i go there and run STOLEN WEAPONS TO SPICIA missions until i have enough to by a raider argosy.Then i go to evildrome and buy some mass expansions and get two baragge turets and one neutron.Then i go back to New Antugia and buy two enhanced sheild Battaries and some armplast.Then i board trader argosys by New Antugia until i can land there without bribes,You can get TONS of money doing that,then i head over to evildrome and board armoured freighters and take there defenders.then i go to blackthrone and sell the defenders.

Lance,Captain of the Flying Flurry.

I do rush and normal missions untill I get a Scoutship, then I stick with the missions untill I get an Argosy. Attack and rob the pirates for $. Spend some cash on one of those and it gets really nice. From there, I skip the Corvette, and work towards the Kestrel.

Has anybody found the quick cash route in Star Wars 2? Biggest cheat ever programed...

BTW, OctoberFost, I have flown the Rapier, and I agree that it's good. A little small for my tastes, but good. 'Course, any ship with a halfway decent pilot is, compared to AIs.

Out like a fat kid in kickball.

I like downloading the merc plug-in, getting a ship with A LOT OF SPACE AND CREW and lots of max guns too, and then taking over lemming dropships, and stocking up on fighters and escorts (by getting a lemmming dropship deploying all fighters then getting another that way they turn into escorts 😛 🆒 and you can deploy more fighters) and then gettng a lot of UE Cruisers as escots.


I have patience when it comes to doing missions in EV when I first start out, so I just accept as many missions as possible in a linear fashion (Mission X goes to System X, which is right next to another system I'm delivering to, which is 2 jumps away from another system I'm delivering to, etc). I don't show my Rebel colors until I'm rich enough that I can afford to be hated by the very lucrative ConFed planets.
Once I have a Corvette or Kestrel, I hang out in -can't remember name-. Its a core system, just east of Sol; it has lots of Luxery Liners. Raiding LLs are the best way to get quick cash. Spend all but 1 jump worth of fuel getting there. When you disable them, take their gas until you are full, then go after credits. Their cargo is usually Luxery Goods, which, if you bribe the planet, you can sell for even more cash. Its very profitable.
When playing FB, I was able to get a few ConFed fighters, the X-winged heavy ones, as escorts when they attacked me in that system. Using them in regular combat was very cool; they have good shields and heavy rockets; I could take out larger pirate convoys or ConFed patrol fleets rather quickly.





Yeah, Capella, I knew it was something like that... thanks. 🙂
