Anyone up for some Plug-in creation?

I, myself, don't have a good plug idea (at least not one that would be at all interesting), but at (url="http://"")http://members.tripo...ukky/ships.html(/url) there are several interesting looking ships. However, they are not plug ins, only pics and data. I can't make plugs myself, but I thought it'd be interesting to get someone to make a plug with these ships in it (or possibly a plug for each ship, though thyat would be more complex). Well?


Sure I downloaded every ship there. I have an idea for a plugin that uses those ships - but it's a little ambitious.

"I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, communist subversion, and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."
-Gen. Jack Ripper, Dr. Strangelove

What type of plug would it be? I mean, would it be a new story, etc. with the ships in it, or just a plug to add those ships to the original EV?

Also, I'm trying to create a simple plug-in of my own with EV-Edit. Entitled "Strange Station", this plug adds the "Eerie" system beyond the Ruby system. The only landing site there is Strange Station, where you can buy all commodities at low prices, and alloutfits and ships are available (In case you hadn't noticed, this is a cheater's plug). The System has Dense asteroids and 100% radar interference, just to make it a bit fairer.
I creater an upgrade that was supposed to reduce radar interference 100%, but when I bought it, nothing happened. Can you think of anything I could be doing wrong?
Another problem; When using this plug, the game crashes very easily, despite the fact that the EV plug-in Auditor found no problems.


ColdFusion wrote:
**Sure I downloaded every ship there. I have an idea for a plugin that uses those ships - but it's a little ambitious.

Um, how ambitious? You should have seen what I tried to do yesterday.

I was planning out my missions for Galactic Federation, operating on the assumption that you could set 4 mission bits upon completion of missions. Then I went into Schmelta-V, discovered the max was 2, and I had to destroy all my planning. My idea was to have most of the missions be able to fail and lead off to new campaigns, while changing systems as well. I gave up, as it is impossible.

I also found out that there are only 256 mission BITS, not 512, so whoever said that got my hopes up for no reason. I would like to see a special plug-in that modified the amount of missions possible in EV, ie more than 256. Andrew, I don't know if it's possible, but it would be much appreciated by a lot of people.

So, now my plug-in has been toned down a little, and I'm going to make a sequel. The two of them should be finished within a month, if I keep my enthusiasm. Motivation from you guys would ba helpful, as I tend to slacken off.

Also, my plug, even though it is a full replacement universe, uses the original graphics. So if anybody has a LOT of graphics just lying around, maybe from a plug-in that won't get finished, or a 3-d drawer that wants to help me for free, I'd be happy to see them.

Three years and my pizza still isn't here.

Maybe I should call.

plug-ins are resource fork based only... that would involve data....


Ambitious? I had been entertaining thoughts of a total conversion for Override - set about 15 years after EV, after the fall of the Confederation and the collapse of the Republic set up after it.

Maridian, make your plugin for EVO instead of EV - EVO has 4 mission bits settable for mission completion and 512 mission bits. And I actually think that using the original graphics is a good idead - everyone already has these, which drastically reduces download time.

"I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, communist subversion, and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."
-Gen. Jack Ripper, Dr. Strangelove

Just add a second plug-in with more missions. That way, you can get more missions without a whole sequel.

"Fine! I'll go play with myself! I'LL PLAY WITH MYSELF ALL NIGHT LONG!!" Cartman


ConfusedGuy wrote:
**... athttp://members.tripo...ukky/ships.html there are several interesting looking ships. However, they are not plug ins, only pics and data.

Well, yes, that is sort of the whole idea of shipyards: to provide ships for plug-in makers who cannot create their own.


I can't make plugs myself, but I thought it'd be interesting to get someone to make a plug with these ships in it (or possibly a plug for each ship, though thyat would be more complex). Well?

I am sure there are plenty of people who could put those ships into a plug, heck, even I could do that but there would not be much point to it.

I have glommed onto several of eeun's ships for use in a plug, but the ships are just a minor part of the package.
