champion is being a troll...

champion and his little mac bashing attitude and sig is due to either:

  1. Him not getting enough attention at home
  2. He just likes to cause trouble
  3. He is jealous that EV is just for mac, and mad

So, champion... I dont really care why you are being rude, but please stop. It is just annoying and doesn't do a damn bit of good. This isn't mac vs PC, its a EV board.

Why not just go down to and tell Todd all about you mac hate and jealousy, you two seem to share alot 😃


I don't think he's jealous, as he got EV to run in Fusion. I think he just likes to cause trouble. And he's weird.

Three years and my pizza still isn't here.

Maybe I should call.

I guess your referring to me about this (seeing i am the only champion)
I think you should send a message to all those stupid mac hugging people who are PC bashing. Seriously there are about 9 million of them and all they seem to do is hang **** on PC. So tell them this is an EV board

1. I am not jealous as i can run EV on my PC and still play all the great PC games

2. I don't get enough attention at home, but that is because i am always playing EV

3. I do like causing trouble, but only because everyone hates PC and seems to hate me too.

And maridian, how can you call me weird?

999 macs to smash
999 macs
if i should drop one out of plane
998 macs to smash


champion wrote:
And maridian, how can you call me weird?

Quite easily. You're bagging Macs, and you own a PC! What other reasons are there?

Three years and my pizza still isn't here.

Maybe I should call.


PCs are great and are useful... when running UNIX, Linux, BeOS and others...
When it's a Wintel, thats another story.

champion, your little sig is stupid, just drop it. You are complaining that a few people here are bashing windows (and some just PCs) so you act like a hypocrite and start to bash macs.

I dont hate PCs (only windows), nor do I hate you. Only a few people here are giving you crap about being on a PC... so drop it, ignore them. When you start having an anti-mac attitude and piss people off... its no wonder people would hate you...

Stop it, before -I- hate you.



champion wrote:
**I guess your referring to me about this (seeing i am the only champion)
I think you should send a message to all those stupid mac hugging people who are PC bashing. Seriously there are about 9 million of them and all they seem to do is hang **** on PC. So tell them this is an EV board

1. I am not jealous as i can run EV on my PC and still play all the great PC games

2. I don't get enough attention at home, but that is because i am always playing EV

3. I do like causing trouble, but only because everyone hates PC and seems to hate me too.

And maridian, how can you call me weird?

Wow! You like EV, yet you decide to hate everyone who plays it. Not only are you doing that, you appear to be addicted to EV. Some people would claim they are addicted, but EV hasn't been know to cause any type of child neglect.....until now.

Micah L , (url="http://"")

Shhhhhhhhhzzz, mikee, don't let the PC users know some of us envy parts of their platform; it could inflate their egos even more. 😉

All work and no beer make Homer something something...

Champion, just when I don't think you could say anything stupider, you keep talking. Maridian, don't provoke him anymore. It's too easy. Opps. Ignore that last sentence.

"Fine! I'll go play with myself! I'LL PLAY WITH MYSELF ALL NIGHT LONG!!" Cartman

(This message has been edited by Drew4484 (edited 03-06-2000).)

P.S. "Who's that trip-tropping over my bridge?"

"Fine! I'll go play with myself! I'LL PLAY WITH MYSELF ALL NIGHT LONG!!" Cartman

Actually, Mikee, I don't hate PCs, but it's easier to write PC than it is to write windows.


mikee J wrote:

Stop it, before -I- hate you.

And BTW, you seem to have a reputation on these boards for dissing people. Am I right?

Of course, every time you've done it you've had a reason, so i don't blame you.

Three years and my pizza still isn't here.

Maybe I should call.

Happy? I changed my sig
I understand your hatred of windows, I hate it myself. I prefer to use Linux. And i agree to give up bagging mac all day long. I was getting bored anyway.
But did you notice the replies i got for it?? 🙂

I do not hate anyone who plays EV, i never said i did (well mabye i did but i didn't mean it)

And may i ask why i am being a troll of all things?? I thought i was being a $&$#^%#$^

Fear is not owning a baseball bat