EV Website

I was just wondering if the plug-in page is going to be like it is forever or has the web site been taken over by some federal agency that must go through several committees and advisory boards and consultants before it actually begins to even think about actually doing something? :mad: Got that out of my system. Really the plug-in pages interface really stinks! If some one wants to know what a plug-in is they have to spend the time to download the plug-in just to read the "Read Me" to see if it is something they might be interested in! The newbies out there deserve a better way to find and select a plg-in they might be interested in, aren't plug-ins the thing makes EV the great game it is? It seems a shame to make them stumble around in the dark closet that the plug-in page is now. I'm through now but this has bugged me since the old web site was trashed and I wanted Ambrosia to know what I think has been a major injustice to the EV community.


Well I guess no one else cares, so I will just go to the the back row and watch. :frown: 😕 :frown:
