EV Eval

Run! I've been thinking! stock film of people running in terror

What about a program that evaluates your skills at EV, based on diffrent values? eg. Cash making skills, combat skills? Mabye a trainer like X-Wing or TIE fighter? Hmm...

What do you mean, I've got to get a life?

You mean kind of it will evaluate you loss of sheilds compared to another ship, its power comparitive to yours how quikly you gain cash and things? That would be cool, and it could give you a rating or something like that. Would it take into acount dodging skills use of asteroids and the type of AI your fighting though?

"How can i make it go faster"? -Me-

Hell if I know. Mabye I'll ask development...

"Fine! I'll go play with myself! I'LL PLAY WITH MYSELF ALL NIGHT LONG!!" Cartman

There used to be an excellent plug (and I mean 16 stars excellent) in the Archives called Flight Academy for EV. It gave you a series of teaching missions and taught you everything about EV in terms of missions and planet stuff.

Little hint: If you're a good enough pilot, you don't need to buy a new ship everytime they tell you too. That way the money they give you to buy a ship for the next series of missions is saved. Do it right, and you'll end up with 16 million credits when you finish the plug.


KIRK: Very funny, Scotty - now beam down my clothes!

I ment more of a profeciency evaluating system. Like if you can pass through the trining course, you are at skill X. The skills could really be anything, but I'd have to think up some. Mabye just a set of plugs? I dunno, I want something that shows just how good you are. Mabye you do the diffrent plugs, andwhen you reach certain skills, you get various awards(read: medals).
Good idea? Rambling nonsense? Let me know, okay?

"Fine! I'll go play with myself! I'LL PLAY WITH MYSELF ALL NIGHT LONG!!" Cartman