Imperial Council

Has anyone else played this plug.

If so please tell me how I can get the mission to destroy the lethean battlecruiser as no matter what I do I can't seem to get it.

Have done all other imperial missions prior to this and have ultimate combat rating so It shouldn't be because of either of those problems.

Mad Mitsubishi Nosher Boy
Aka Master Robinton.

Gee no replies?

Well thanks a lot !!!!

Mad Mitsubishi Nosher Boy
Aka Master Robinton.

Gee, maybe no one has any help for you. Sheesh, just calm down.



Just had a ****ty day that's all.

Mad Mitsubishi Nosher Boy
Aka Master Robinton.

hey i know that plug, it was on some macFormat (UK mac magazine, i'd say it's better than mac addict. at least i get newer numbers of it) CD. unfortunately i can't help you in any way.



I've never played the plug, but why don't you just go into resedit or schmelta-v or something, and have a look at the mission. It's cheating, but if you can't get it... and you never know, there could be an error with the mission. Maybe the author set it to be gotten at a planet with no bar or something. I tend to do that a lot.

I had a lot of practice with this on the Ev Ultra plug-in as all the missions were way warped. Heaps of errors there. :frown:

No offense to Theo Howell, and anybody who helped, the graphics were great, but I guess he just lost track of what was going on.

Three years and my pizza still isn't here.

Maybe I should call.

Did that, didn't work, maybe it doesnt like me.

Random piece of french :

Je deteste Jimmy Hill, sur et un poof sur et un poof!!!

Mad Mitsubishi Nosher Boy
Aka Master Robinton.

Whadda ya mean it didn't work? Look carefully at the fields. There HAS to be some clue as to how to get the mission. If it needs a mission bit set, try going to the mission you did before it. Maybe it set the wrong bit.

And your random french translates to: I hate Jimmy Hill, On a and poof, on and a poof!

Maybe I'm wrong. I don't know. 😕

Three years and my pizza still isn't here.

Maybe I should call.

I though it said I hate Jimmy Hill, He's a poof He's a poof!!!!

Still, I don;t reaaly speak french, I mean my longest sentence Is :

Ce qui le salaud en noir?

(Who's the bastard in black)

and I only know this cos it was in the paper at the last world cup.

It doesn't work as despite what it tells me and the fact that I have all that I need to be given it, the damn thing won't give me the ****ing mission!!!!!!!

Je Deteste Jimmy Hill, sur et un poof,sur et un poof.