argument with someone .

Okay here goes.

Yesterdayi put a reply up to what seemed like someone was boasting. I just want to say a few thing in reply to his reply.

First of all yea I was pissed of, just not really at you 'kay.

Secondly, I am not a newbie, I have been playing for just under three years and not one of my pilot files has a combat rating of less than ultimate.

Thirdly, Sorry man , hey no hard feelings?

My reply was quite immature in its wording and for that I apologize.

Oh yeah and basilisk whoever you are stop taking the piss out of people's bad spelling, I mean did it ever occur to you they might be foreign and have english as a second language only?
Und so, Ich finde dass ich mochte aber ein frage zum jemand gegeben.

Wass ist deinen lieblingste Schiff im EV und EVO (mit plugins) und wie is es deine liblingste.

Aufwidersehen/horen .

Johann von Schottland.

Hm? What thread was this in? It would be greatly appreciated if you could post these in the relevant thread.


"You're doing it again." "Doing what?" "Glowing." "Does it show?"

AIM: EVBasilisk



What exactly do you find so incredibly amusing?


"You're doing it again." "Doing what?" "Glowing." "Does it show?"

AIM: EVBasilisk


Basilisk wrote:
What exactly do you find so incredibly amusing?

He just likes to laugh for no apparent reason.

Andrew Meilstrup / JAE / Coruscant Software, unInc.

(url="http://"")My website(/url), (url="http://"")the Coruscant Software website(/url)


Ugh, a newbie is someone new to the board community. I started playing EV more almost 3 years ago, and EVO when it came out. I first visited the site (then EV) almost 1.8 years ago. And had visited it (and read the board) rarely. I consider myself, as do others, a member of this 'group' since August 99, as that is when I started becoming frequent.....

Since no one here knows you, nor have you been here long, we consider you a 'newbie'.
Oh, wonderful German, 'wie lange hast du in Deutschen classe studiert?' 😛
Unix for business
Linux for development
BeOS for media
Mac OS for productivity
Windows for solitaire

(This message has been edited by mikee J (edited 02-09-2000).)

Let's not get into that "newbie-vs-oldie schtick!!!

KIRK: Very funny, Scotty - now beam down my clothes!

Oops. Thought you meant new to EV.

O.k so my german sucks.

Ich habe seit vier jahre deutsch studiert wann Ich in schule war, aber, Ich geht nichts zur schule und spricht deutsch nich oft.


Mad Mitsubishi Nosher Boy
Aka Master Robinton.

So, it is language wars! So be it.
Want it in spanish, german, italian, french, japanese, deutch, or plain silly.

Ok. at random...... Spanish!

Ustedes parecen nińitos pequeńos peleandose por una pendeja. Pues dejenme informarle que no importa el lenguaje o nacionalidad, lo que importa as lo que esta dentro de uno mismo. Asi, que por favor, pongamos nuestras diferencias y dejemos que nuestras energias sean liberadas en el juego, el cual nos une como miembros de una comunidad de selectos. (Please. Pardon is I was a wee bit corny)

By the way, I'm making some plug-ins that translate the missions to spanish and italian. If you have any contribution to make e-mail me at

By the way, pendeja is spanish slang for stupid thing.

I want plain silly!

Going back a bit here, and I'm not helping to annoy basilisk, i just want to say this, a lot of people are just really slack on the net and don't understand the difference between internet slang and bad spelling. I don't do either, so ha! 🙂

Now, back to the language wars.

Vous je deteste. 🙂

If anybody figures that out, (not hard), I'm joking.

Three years and my pizza still isn't here.

Maybe I should call.

Ŕllo monsieur Maridian who doesn't know a word of frech u know:

c'est Ťje vous detesteť.

oh mon dieu! ils tiraient Kenny!! (yeah, i know that has nothing to do with EV)

(url="http://"")()rion Productions(/url)
~ Robin ( (url="http://"")


Mindwalker wrote:

Ustedes parecen nińitos pequeńos peleandose por una pendeja. Pues dejenme informarle que no importa el lenguaje o nacionalidad, lo que importa as lo que esta dentro de uno mismo. Asi, que por favor, pongamos nuestras diferencias y dejemos que nuestras energias sean liberadas en el juego, el cual nos une como miembros de una comunidad de selectos. (Please. Pardon is I was a wee bit corny)

żQué demonios intentas decirnos con esa bola de babosadas? Como diría un Julio C. Hernández: "Para de m@m@r, gueĽ. Te pasa de verg@."

In the end, the Confederation will win, for the moronic AI helps their superiorly shielded ships.


Robin wrote:
**Ŕllo monsieur Maridian who doesn't know a word of frech u know:

c'est Ťje vous detesteť.


Excuse me, but i've been studying french for over 4 years, and you're telling me i don't know a word of it? Yeah, you're probably right. But i was sure that when saying something directly to someone, the <<you>> came before the <<I>>. Like in Tu j'adore. That's probably wrong too, then.

And no I don't love you. 🙂

Three years and my pizza still isn't here.

Maybe I should call.