I NEED MORE :mad:MORE :mad:PLUG-INS :mad:MORE :mad:MORE :mad:MORE :mad:MORE :mad:MORE :mad:MORE :mad:MORE :mad:MORE :mad:MORE :mad:MORE


(This message has been edited by Commander Somebody (edited 02-21-2000).)

then you will have to wait for ASW to finish the add-on page's scripts. they are supposed to be working on them, so it may not be all that long.

plugs to check out:

-Final Battle; personal fave
-Pale; many say the best
-Clavius; crashed my 6100 a lot, but not the 7200...hmm...
-Galactic Scourage; i can't spell that worth ****
-New Horizons; takes up hella memory, you've been warned.
-Themed plugs: star wars, star trek, theme bases, or other genre plugs are out there, if you're interested.

i really shouldn't have responded to this message, because you are being a bitch. shut your hole and make your own plug in.

Yeah, that's what i thought...

now do you realize why there aren't that many?!?! People (generally) don't have the free time to do this, nor the adequate programming experience (along with grafix) to make a really good plugin by themselves. from experience, group projects have, for the most part, failed. (Epsilon, anyone?) if you really expect a group of 100-X hardcore EV fans to do this, (i mean, hey, i know I'm lazy, i just assume everyone else is too...) then you should pull your head out of your ass. EV is old. people don't really want to do anything else, as the boundaries have already been pushed out as far as they will go.

as for the lack of the add-on page, well, i don't know why ASW even bothered to bring up this site if they weren't prepared to support all the aspects of the EV community. their little grandiose plan could've waited (and the old board wouldn't be sooo damn unhappy with andrew...) so they could get a full site working completely. if they had waited about 6 months, i'm sure everything would've gone much more smoothly, and you could actually download some of these great plugins for the world's greatest game...

word from the sane:

get rid of the damn smileys, they are AOL-iffic, and gay. if i wanted a smiley, i would pull one out of my ass and US mail it to you.

laterest all,




dammitRussman wrote:
**word from the sane:

get rid of the damn smileys, they are AOL-iffic, and gay.**

That's just your opinion. I have AOL Instant Messenger, that's not the evil part of AOL, it's the actual browser. Why the hell does everyone call inanimate objects that they don't like 'gay'?!


Try The Frozen Heart , and Femme Fatale , two of the finest plugins released for EV/O. And (url="http://"http://coldblood.cjb.net")Cold Blood(/url) is coming out soon. (Why do I keep shamelessly promoting Cold Blood?)

" The Zaphod Beeblebrox?"

"No, just a Zaphod Beeblebrox; didn't you hear I come in six-packs?"
-The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

(This message has been edited by ColdFusion (edited 02-22-2000).)


Andrew M wrote:
**That's just your opinion. I have AOL Instant Messenger, that's not the evil part of AOL, it's the actual browser. Why the hell does everyone call inanimate objects that they don't like 'gay'?!

that is my opinion, and i too have AIM. it's better than ICQ, but it's still not that great. I'll take regular old IRC any day...

and why do we call them gay? i just called the smileys gay, because they are multi-colored, and look like they talk with a lisp. I just think the smileys are a little faggy, sorry.

and: Gay has become a negative term. through the means of society not liking all those who dont fit in perfectly, gay-ness has become a disease, not a whatever the hell it really is. uh, yeah...

so uh,

-| suck it!
