Escorts, Cloaking Device, and Planetary Tribute

Do the Rebel missions, get the cloaking device. Get some powerful escorts. Doesn't matter if they have good shields or armor, as long as they can do a lot of damage. Next, travel to planet with a formidable defense fleet. Make sure you have a combat rating of Deadly or Ultimate. Communicate with them, demand tribute, and go into cloak. Sit back and watch the "battle". Your escorts will destroy the defense fleet with out being fired upon.

Note: This only works in planetary tribute fights. In regular battles, the enemy will fire on your escorts. The reason this works in planetary battles is because you are the one that demanded tribute. They target you, and since you're in cloak, they just keep their ships stationary while your escorts pound away at them. Sure, it's cheap, but it's great for taking over planets that you can't normally take over, or while you have a ship that isn't too strong.


Wedge Antilles


AOL Instant Messenger Screenname:
Greg Halcyon


Wedge, um, I'm wondering, your eMail address is Greg Halcyon, I'm guessing that's your actual name, but did u know that in the X-wing books that Wedge Antilles is a character in, there's a guy with the last name Halcyon?

Yes, I know i need to get out more. 🙂


Aigh! Maridian has more free time on his hands then I do! Scarry! Wedge, there's a few problems. 1) Fuel limitations. Sure we all love the cloaking device, but unless you only attack wussy planets or have a plug with ships having big-ass fuel tanks, that doesn't work. 2) Also, if you get hit by any stray bolts or what have you, you decloak and your sheild are down.

(Not saying that I haven't used that myself or that it's not a usefull strategy.)

What do you mean, I've got to get a life?


Maridian wrote:
**Wedge, um, I'm wondering, your eMail address is Greg Halcyon, I'm guessing that's your actual name, but did u know that in the X-wing books that Wedge Antilles is a character in, there's a guy with the last name Halcyon?

Yes, I know i need to get out more. 🙂

Okay, to set you all straight, my last name is not Halcyon. It's Anderson. I just set that as my screenname for AIM, and it sorta stuck. The whole reason I used it was for a Star Wars story that I started a while back and is being delayed for who knows how long. Anyone interested in continuing a Star Wars story, contact me. And yes, I know about the X-Wing books, I have Books 1-9. And I know that Halcyon is Corran's real last name. As is evident in the Star Wars book, I Jedi.

We all need to get out more. 🙂


Wedge Antilles


AOL Instant Messenger Screenname:
Greg Halcyon
