The Future Of EV

Nobody's expecting Matt or anybody else to whip up some 3-D or Fisrt person engine. I mean, christ! If you want a first person game, buy one. If you want it to mesh with EV, take a programing class, and do it yourself. I don't think that anybody would make a game like what was sugested untill EV is built up to that point. Start something and program a RPG engine for EV, and go from there. Asking somebody to do it on a discusion board won't work. Talk to Matt. Mabye he wants to do somthing like what has been sugested. If not, ask Andrew about it.
P.S. See EV3D for background info.

What do you mean, I've got to get a life?

(This message has been edited by Drew4484 (edited 02-13-2000).)

You've got to get a life. :rolleyes:

A life? What's that?
P.S. I know. I'm lame. Verrry lame.

What do you mean, I've got to get a life?