Pale Missions

Just wondering... (Assuming I can get the Confed/Rebel Mod Cruisers)

Do any of the pirate-related missions interfere with the C/R Mod Cruiser Missions?

(Why do the Pirate missions have to be so persistant? Why couldn't they only be available on pirate worlds? Every time I tried to get another mission, a pirate mission popped up, and when I aborted it, it just came right back)

I'm wondering because I finished the Confed basic missions (yes, up to the Aliens) and I'd like to see if the missions go any further.



well, all i can remember is the rebel and pale strings, but i know i had access to virtually any ship i pleased at the end of the plug. however, the confed mod cruiser may available after a certain fed mission, i dunno. check the resources...



Ok... What app is usually used for that? EV-Edit doesn't seem to be great at it

(to find conflicts, I have to look through every single mission to see which bit needs to be set, which bit can't be set, and which bit the mission sets/clears... a very long & tedious process...)

So, I've downloaded some others, but I don't know which one is usually used...



It's been awhile since I've played Pale. If I remember correctly, you can play any missions that pop up, and finish all of them with no interference with each other. Also, some mission took some time to show. Keep going to the planets in the Pale system alot.


Schmelta-V. and resedit can be used too. look in tha archives. it might be around there.



Actually, you get the Mod-Cruisers by doing the missions for the Pale government. I don't want to give away anymore than that though, and recommend you don't look at the plug with ResEdit or Shmelta-V, as finding and doing the missions on your own is much more fun.

One small tip, take every mission you get, they all lead to more, and definitely do the Artemis Group missions. Some things have been changed as far as the missions go, so you'll need to do everything to complete the missions.

The whole idea in doing missions for pirates is not getting caught smuggling. And even if you do, all you lose is your shipment (ok, the mission is auto-aborted) and some points off your legal standing with the Confeds. But believe me, you'll get many chances to improve it. Just kill Pirates close to Confederate space and you'll be back in business.

As everyone has said, though, these missions don't interfere with Pale's missions at any point. Confed's missions are a different story, but you don't need them in order to finish the plug.

Just play ahead - there's a lot of stuff coming atcha. I've played the plug through around 20 times now, since v0.9, and started a new pilot a couple of days ago after a month-long break :). It's fantastic.

TerraNov out.


AH! I've gone everywhere (and I mean //everywhere//) and spent a long, long time trying to get missions in the Pale sys, especially (I know i have the combat rating & legal status to get it, they're both as high as they get) but PALE won't give me any more missions. Neither will anyone else (except pirates, but I have enough money to not need their missions anymore), I've looked everywhere, and they won't give a mission! It's making me crazy!


It would help if you'd mention how far along you are, because you may need to go elsewhere to continue the string. If you stopped taking pirate missions that are offered in bars, that could be stopping you. There's one that you take after the war between Pale and the Rebels ends, and that mission allows you to continue the storyline.

Yeah, most of the Pale missions actually don't start on Pale. I'm in the middle of doing the plug right now, after completing it once before about six months ago. And, you do need to do the Artemis missions to get the later missions in which the mod-rebel and mod-confed cruisers are available. And, you don't need to do the Confed or the Rebel missions to get them. Like the plug?


Wedge Antilles


AOL Instant Messenger Screenname:
Greg Halcyon


OK, looks like you've gotta complete the Artemis string. Head for any planet with a bar and check it. If you don't get any missions, close the window, go to the mission computer, take any mission and abort it. After that head for the bar again. Do this until you get the mission. The chances are at 5%, so it might take a couple of tries.

Oh, and it's the mission with Lucas, just to refresh your memory :).

TerraNov out.
